Senator Clay Davis

Shit, I know people who are pushing 40 and still see this film as a lifestyle manual and not a critique.

Fair enough - this is pretty much what I do on Twitter. For some reason, I feel compelled to follow my friends on Instagram instead of randos, and maybe that's why I get nothing but endless brunch shots and kid photos.

This is not how most people use Instagram, unless you consider endless valencia filtered shots of lattes fascinating

Lightning Blue Eyes is also quite good…

Burial has yet to release a single track I didn't at least kind of like.

This is probably my favorite album of 2017 so far. The entire record is just solid front to back. It's simultaneously interesting, weird, and complex, while being entirely approachable.

Agreed. "Yellow" is more of a bona fide classic.

Speaking of bands that don't have any duds, Talking Heads?

Seriously though, Discipline is probably the 2nd best Talking Heads album

Except that era of King Crimson is goddamn great, and new Pixies is sub-Nickelback quality.

Very apprehensive about listening to this record. I don't want to hate it.

Agree with this take, also agree that Meat is Murder is wrongly hated. Nobody would think twice about mentioning it alongside their other records if it wasn't for the awful title track.

D-Plan reunion record is pretty weak, unfortunately

98% of teens listen to Lil Wayne, Kesha, and Justin Bieber. If you're one of the 2% that listens to REAL music like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Rush, repost this message!!

TBH it's hard to really abandon a band that only had one good record anyway

I'll back this up. I saw them in 2003 when Good News just came out and Float On was getting Top 40 play, and it was one of the best shows I've ever been to. Saw them play a huge arena last year and they sucked out loud.

I'm not saying Thrice weren't being genuine (I'm sure they were absolutely genuine), I'm just saying I don't find their later material to be that good and that it strikes me as a band wearing newfound influences on its sleeve with little subtlety and mediocre execution.

TBH some of the most interesting parts of the new album involve creative use of autotune/vocoder. I'm thinking CREEKS specifically.

There are only a handful of double albums that aren't improved by using this technique

Mountain Goats diehards seem to love everything he puts out