
This game convinced me I could be a skateboarder. That dream, much like my left wrist when flying off of a ramp, was crushed.

My wife travels frequently for work. She is one of those people that talks about "status" (whatever that is). All I know is, when we travel and she gets us 1st class upgrades, I feel like royalty. I love when people are trying to get on the plane to their coach seat but they have to wait because the flight

Saying Fenway Park correctly feels as wrong as saying Massachusetts Ave

100% agree with you. I'm from the area. My accent is pretty much gone after pushing it down my whole life but it creeps in from time to time. I think your assessment of Keaton being an educated man sort of correlates to this. I took a public speaking class in college and it did loads to get rid of my accent but

The tech in them is astounding. You ever unplug it and hear the gears moving inside while you wait 15-20 minutes for it to reboot and let you access your DVR again?

Look it buddy, how dare you taste differently

Watching a new Ryan Murphy show is like being in an abusive relationship. You can take him back and tell everyone it is different this time, but you know you'll be telling your friends you fell down the stairs in just a few months.

Naw, satan said he'll let him do the 7th one over again.

The opening was amazing and was honestly pretty damn well directed by Wain and acted by DHP. This whole series just kept on surprising me.

Even David Wain in a wig looks the best he ever has.

Totally caught that too. My wife missed it, it was pretty subtle. Obviously this is going to necessitate repeated viewings.

This is the album I knew we would get eventually. The production to match Mike's immense talent. I can't wait to tell everyone about this, see it in top 10 lists and then sit back with the pleasure of knowing I have great fucking taste.

I said that to the doctor after my daughter was born

Exactly. I feel like there is a bug in the AV club scoring system where the grades for both shows get switched each week.

I was wondering people hated Morgan. I am in the camp that starts laughing if he is even in a shot and hovering just near the side of the frame

I totally agree. I feel like the grades got switched and popped up on the wrong show.

I can see that. My wife and I watch it and we have fine bottle of wine and leather furniture.

I have the perfect role for her. I just have to check with my wife first to see if she is into it.

The free market has spoken. No one gives a rusty fuck.

SHIELD went from mediocre to really great. I hope next season it goes from really great to awesome and then the last stage…..boner central.