
Well come on, that is a whole different discussion though. The arts aren't dominated by rich people. They are dominated by all kinds of people and that's the point. We tend to look at the haves and the have nots as if that is all that can define people and that's wrong. Plus as I said in another post, if money

We were quoted a five hour wait for Anna and Elsa when we went in February. I had to say to my 4 & 6 year old girls, "Sorry, Anna and Elsa aren't here today."

I agree. I show my kids a shit ton of 80s movies where they end up seeing the crazy old things we had. So they have seen the walkman and cassettes in movies and I have told them tales of taping songs off of the radio. They looked at me like I was a madman.

How many people have this shit just lying around though. I have two kids (4 & 6). I didn't save my Walkman so one day I can show them how awesome it is to have the tape get eaten and then rewind it with a pencil in hopes to salvage the Motley Crue goodness hidden inside. As soon as I got a discman, out went the

Oh Jennifer Garner. Come on.

I'm with Mega Upload's side on this, mainly because I think that the movie industry sucks dangly cocks.

How is Internet speed in the afterlife? I imagine in heaven it is like Google fiber and in hell, it is Comcast obviously

Just the thought of that gave me a semi

Guillermo del Toro is busy making the Pacific Rim sequel that no one asked for.

My guess with this? The first one made no money at the box office, got a shit deal with Netflix and other film distribution outlets and then got discovered there on home video all while not bringing in much money. So the sequel is a chance to finally make some of that sweet, sweet dough.

"oh hidy ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day."

Yes and yes. My wife and I have actually returned some Netflix movies without watching them if it is a comedy over 2 hours. I'll be like, "Do you want to watch this tonight? Wait, 2 hours 5 minutes?! Fuck this, what's do we have in DVR?"

This show you guys….I fucking love this show!! I would have given this ep an A-, but no biggie.

Seriously, what is up with that? I remember 1 hr 45 min used to be the sweet spot.

I saw that too. I already feel exhausted thinking about it. The first Raid came in, fucked shit up and then got the hell out of there.

Amy Sedaris sort of IS a walking cartoon. I found her to be as awesome as usual.

I love that I straight up laugh out loud during this show. I have gotten so used to just chuckling at the TV that I forgot television can be hilarious. God damn, this is one of the best first seasons of a show ever. My only concern is that these two ladies are so damn talented that they will blow up and this show

Being from the Boston area, I'm glad to see some other area's accents getting butchered for a change.

I heard it is in………………………………..the cloud

I think I know where you work. I just applied there.