
Oh man, 25 was my anthem from like 24-29 pretty much. Still love that song.

Scrambles is my fave.

Yeah, it wouldn't make any sense to hide him if it weren't for robert. Robert would see him as a challenge to the throne.

So why did pycelle need to be killed? I mean other than its a scene they repurposed from the books, but in the show the guy had so little screen time since maybe season two it's realy weird to give it such importance.

Honestly though, I'm a huge jon snow fan but at that point I was like, yep you're the second most person who deserves this right now (after ramsay) for being a fucking idiot even after you were brought back to life to probably not be an idiot.

So you'd rather that they just pussyfoot around MK's abilities and what it is and where it came from rather than start to move the plot forward? I mean, LOST is one of my favorite shows, but Into the Badlands in no way is well written enough to pull off prolonged mysteries. 6 episodes is more than long enough for that.

Honestly the production schedules being different seems to me to make it easier. Imagine how much harder it would be to write a whole coherent season of TV that had to tie into a movie that was being written and rewritten etc etc at the same time.

Too bad they took the wrong lesson from that. Tie-ins with Thor for a shield spinoff? What fuggin synergy is that?

Except Whedon's not the arbiter of what's MCU canon.

I mean, even if it's just surface level stuff. Like you said if Civil war was already finished, there's no reason that they couldn't work with AoS writers to figure out a cameo from a side movie character that could fit into that world that wouldn't break the story of the movies. There's so much space between movies

So then what's the argument. I'm sorry I really don't understand then.

He's the everyman in the sense that he's supposed to be a young person with powers thrust upon him. I think Board Game Brawl is right in the fact that no one positioned Peter Parker as the everyman that is also the face of diversity.

If you're writing a story about the mythos of someone or something, explain what that mythos is exactly early on. Halfway through the article and all you've really said was, oh it wasn't slated to sell a lot and then it eventually did. I mean, that's certainly something, but not the promise of explaining the mythos

Women's roles on posters more likely relegated to sex objects, but it's okay because we pay them less to do that.

Women's roles on posters more likely relegated to sex objects, but it's okay because we pay them less to do that.

I thought he was going to kill himself. Even in the next scene it wasn't until the guy from House of Cards said Pete killed Horace and had to go away, I rewound it because I was convinced I heard it wrong.

You just finished it too? Still wiping fucking tears out of my eyes

Yeah trans is short for transgender or transsexual. It's a weird criticism, but then it looks like the author is a senior in college so I guess the real criticism is (and lord help me for saying this, I sound like an MRA, although only sort of because the author half admits this) that a white cis man is talking about

Well, you have to listen to the story to see where it's going. Though if you can't listen for five minutes without getting so bored you tune out, then the show prob isn't for you. Which is fine.

It's not for everyone.