
Acts aren't usually all the same length.

I never read the script either, most of my production knowledge comes from this awesome doc: https://vimeo.com/32442801 called Star wars begins. It recreated ANH with deleted or alternate versions of scenes that never made a theatrical or home release cut, with interviews and random facts inserted. Really interesting

Yeah those subtle changes are great, things that make the original flow better. Everything else is more like a LOOK AT WHAT I CAN DO WITH TECHNOLOGY!!!! type of change.

Holy shit I completely forgot that Jabba wasn't originally in ANH. That makes so much sense because I know they originally filmed the ANH jabba scene with a 'jabba' who was either human or humanoid. Im assuming that was cut and during ROTJ is when they decided on the more gross, sinister appearance?

The ADR? There's tons of ADR in star wars that changes the actual scripted lines. Not that it's an uncommon practice, but it's intersting to see that Lucas was always interested in tinkering with his films in post.

No I get all that. I'm just mildly disturbed because earth 2 barry is not barry. Barry knocked him out and fucked up his life and made out with his wife and barely gave it a thought. Actually no, he laughed it off.

Except it's not his mom, it's the mom of some guy who looks like him who he knocked out and was never seen again. Also barry makes out with his wife and gets his dad killed. Way to go earth1 barry.

Was no one else extremely offput by how quickly Earth2 barry was just knocked out of the picture and now has some other dude making out with his wife, got his father killed and pretended to be him and he's not even like mentioned again? So fucked up and if it's not actually addressed, a horribly lazy writing choice.

Lucas didn't direct that one.

I mean, they were pretty awesome about making sure as many people could be a part of that as possible.

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I think it's a mix of both. CAN'T WE ALL GET ALONG??

So… it's the worst thing because Kid Rock made an appearance? I haven't heard anything better than a weak grade school argument here.

"Had Wilmore’s show not appeared before Noah’s appointment, the jokes would have been an encouraging vision of a Daily Show in which America’s intractable racism is dissected by someone who falls victim to it. (A vision of the show all the more appealing after Wyatt Cenac recently suggested Stewart has an imperfect

God dammit. Henry speaking to the legislators is fucking heartbreaking. Someone bearing their soul to a bunch of fucking demons in human form.

Lol, that's not the Chris Gethard show at all. That's how 'real' talk shows work, yeah.

Isn't he supposed to be writing a book?

I believe it was 'no tights, no flights', not fights, for smallville. There were obviously fights.

Oh man, that "Community Grade" made my heart jump up into my throat for a second before I realized what it was.
