
There aren't any degrees really, at least not any that matter. There's functionally no difference between someone conceding that a Malick movie isn't to their taste and and the same critic slamming Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. They just feel more compelled to be polite about Malick. It's an aesthetic difference, not an

There's never been a 100% objective review of anything in any medium ever.

This list is terrible because it doesn't cater specifically to my particular taste in comedy!
(Honest take: this list is good because it has a bunch of movies that I like, specifically every Edgar Wright movie and In The Loop at number 3.)

The Black Dog that won't make you sweat OR groove. Or much of anything, really.

Alternate titles: All You Need Is Cold; Snow. Melt. Repeat.

A B-! That's basically an A for this kind of movie, isn't it?

I can't imagine anyone on staff actually cares about any of these anymore, there's just so many. I feel like there must be a quota that needs to be filled and people are encouraged to just post whatever they come across over the course of the day.

Hating HateSong is more or less a meme at this point.
I have no strong feelings on it one way or the other.

I've read this list before and the biggest impressions I came away with were: 1) Latin America is surprisingly advanced in the field of sandwich creation 2) England has some really, really fucked up ideas as to what's appropriate to put on a sandwich.

Well, sure. All it took to deter the Spaniards in that instance was a bit of rain.

Really cool to see this got a good review! I wasn't all that familiar with Garbage beyond the obvious hits so I was surprised by how much I dug Not Your Kind of People. I'll be checking this out soon.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


That was actually a cover of a song by the WarLa'cks.

He's not at the party but you DO get to call him from London, just before the final push. It's only a few seconds though; I'd just YouTube it if you don't want to play through the whole game again anytime soon.

[Spoilers] Seems like a good opportunity to mention what might be my favorite wrinkle in Mass Effect's web of choices, which is that it's actually possible to have Mordin survive ME3, but doing so requires you to fuck up a number of other things — Wrex and Eve both have to be dead, and you need to have destroyed

As a Red Sox fan I'm just gonna start crediting Bronson Arroyo with that game.

SK3D was the point where Robert Rodriguez, Family Film Maker abruptly lost his goddamn mind.

I imagine those scenes were immaculately received.

The Shins, which is an interesting case given that it happened for its own sake.