
"I'm here with NICK CANNON, FORMER R KELLY COLLABORATOR, and stagehands let you walk out here WITH YOUR DICK OUT"

I live in fear of someday having to explain the Eric Andre Show to my parents.

Let me expand on that then. The animation in Berserk 2016 isn't just primitive, it's poorly directed and strips the source material of its expressiveness and impact. By comparison, the 1997 anime isn't *great* if we're going by purely technical parameters, and certainly doesn't look as good on screen as the manga did

I try to keep an open mind, consider different viewpoints and tastes and whatnot, but for the life of me I cannot fathom how anyone could look at the new Berserk and think "yes, I want to keep watching this." It looks like someone threw a photoshop filter over an episode of Reboot.

I mean yeah, but it looks like ass. The manga already has all the good parts of the story AND looks good. I can live with it not being in motion if that's what it has to look like animated.

I don't wanna waste my time, become another casualty [buried in a Pet Sematary].

I don't wanna be buried in a [remake of] Pet Sematary.

Gonna be honest for the longest time I thought Skeet Ulrich and Lars Ulrich were the same person, based solely on the fact that "Skeet" sounded like a nickname you'd give a really annoying person.

Jared Leto would just throw frogspawn at his castmates and talk about how "it's so, SO hard to be green, dude" in every interview.

Yeah, after Kirsten Dunst last season she had a hell of a lot to follow up on, but damn if she hasn't delivered.

What about Allison Chains?

I'd agree, but I'd also say the live version of Gas Panic! on Familiar to Millions is the definitive version (which is really the only time you can say that about any Oasis song, honestly).

I liked how they doubled down on the Coen references in that scene — first with the bowling alley bar conversation, then with the "Ray (Llewyn) is the cat." Classic and contemporary, together.

Yeah, really. Or the return of the Numbers/Wrench drumbeat? Or how this is the second time someone's swerved off the road upon seeing something lupine?

They actually had to cut Nintendo's portion out of the movie entirely. When they heard the Donkey Kong cabinets weren't being played as originally intended they threatened to put a hit out on Steve Wiebe.

Yeah, that's exactly it. There were reasons to do that stuff in P4 — the jobs either helped you get your characteristics up (in the early game, when there's not much else to do anyway) or led to social links (in ADDITION to giving you money), fishing was how you got dungeon-relevant items. There's almost no incentive

I know, right? I was thrown at first but then I remembered that his Japanese voice actor had passed away, and just sort of assumed they wanted to mirror whatever change they made in the original language. It's the best kind of twist, because it feels like something you should've seen coming but didn't.

I think part of it's that there's just so much to do in P5 and so little time to do it. I'd have to play P4 again to be sure but I feel like there was a lot more downtime — I went fishing all the time in 4, didn't do it even once in 5. It always felt like there were more urgent things to do, be it maxing out a social

I don't even call it that. TV is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and television is no friend of mine!

It ain't me
It ain't me
I ain't no Redditor's son, no
It ain't me
It ain't me
I ain't no 4chanate one