
That's something that's really funny to me in retrospect; in the scope of the in-book universe there's only a few years between the Henry Huggins books and the Ramona books, but the fact that they were written decades apart makes them specific to the present in a way that's a little jarring on reflection. It goes from

What I wanna know is if he's gonna do the lettuce bit.

Hey now, it was a different time. Standards were different. Renegade dialogue options weren't very well defined back in 2183. No one knew any better!

They even talk the same! No wonder The Illusive Man's always going on about "yoo-manity".

Walk up to the club like what up I got a big cod

Now that it's March I can share the scariest collection of words I thought of last December. It's "Ted Cruz Fox News Christmas Variety Show Special"

Rated R just barely misses on a technicality, having come out in 2000.

The display TVs at Walmart always have it on. It's disgusting. It was tolerable in October, though, because the only thing they played on them was It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!, which has so few frames per second that it pretty much neutralized the effect.

It makes me nervous that they're going to go super wacky and broad with it. NPH, that's fine, I could see him pulling that off if he wanted to; NPH and Patrick Warburton sounds a little too much like straight-to-Walmart knockoff casting territory.

Comic Sans is the Plan 9 From Outer Space of fonts; it's terrible, but at least it's a fun kind of terrible. It's become enough of a joke on its own that it can't really evoke serious hatred. Papyrus, meanwhile, is Monster a Go-Go — awful AND boring.

Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords is probably the worst good game I've ever played. Which isn't to say it's terrible, just that most of the things in it are terrible.

His stance is making my Computer Blue.

Yeah, and what's up with them not recording all their songs in one take? Guilted into self-censorship by those musical purists — many of whom have infiltrated the industry as producers and label executives! — who demand their music to "be performed competently" and "not sound like shit". We deserve to hear every


Eh, semantics. People use "consoles" interchangeably with "systems" all the time, and in context it essentially just means "non-peripheral hardware that Nintendo has produced that people liked".

I think some companies actually have rules in place to prevent this sort of thing; I know Wizards of the Coast developers aren't allowed to look at fanmade Magic: the Gathering cards and I presume it's to prevent this exact scenario — it's a lot harder to accuse people of copying something they're prohibited from

It's a lot more than three if you count handhelds.

It plays Star Fox 64 too, though it isn't mentioned in the article. It really is all set to go.

Is that confirmed or just projection? Because I feel like I enjoy it more thinking of it as a pastiche rather than an actual reference (or set of references).

The problem was all those stories about stunt doubles falling in love and Charlize Theron teaching Nicholas Hoult how to knit. They made it seem fun! TOO fun!