
I didn't even know it existed until Monday.

Imgur came and broke your heart.

Hey, it's the hottest argument of 2012!

trans-siberian orchestra sucks
i didn't watch the video

I don't know where else to post this so I'm gonna do this here: my estimate for when a zero effort "What if Kylo Ren had Bane's voice?" video edit shows up on Good Job, Internet! is within three weeks. Maybe two.

Samuel L. Jackson likes money and attention enough to need to be in every movie, however.

Iron Cog Sturdy (Strategic Intelligence Combat)

With series mascot Triangle Face?

Admiral Ackbar Dowd?

What are you talking about? He gave it a B! That's equivalent to an A++ from anyone else!

My friend and I discussed whether Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 passed the Bechdel Test or not as we left the theater and honestly I can't remember if it did, all I feel is darkness.

Anyway, I'm still not really sure how I feel about the ending, but I think I'll come round to it eventually. It took me a while to get completely on board with the UFO last episode, but when I did I realized it was honestly an utterly brilliant move. I feel like the same will happen here in about a week.

So I guess we're just supposed to assume Charlie stays in that holding cell forever.
Maybe he'll find a secret tunnel that leads him to Huell's hotel room, 30 years into the future.

So considerate to the deaf, that Mr. MacFarlane.

Me experiencing that scene in real time:
- Hey, what if he just flexed his way out of that cast? That'd be so cool!
- Nah, that'd be too ridiculous, even for a Fast and Furious movie.
- Mr. Johnson I apologize for doubting you.

B, honestly. You get to kick back and enjoy the regular season, get a newfound appreciation for the little moments in the individual games. Winning a championship is stressful; losing one is positively unbearable.

When I was a kid I hated it because it was too sad.
As an adult I hate it because it's just so blatantly exploitative.

It's hard to bring up Shannon Hoon in this context without sounding a little bit flippant, but there's another example.

I got into Archers of Loaf this fall, which is really something that should've happened sooner. The Magnetic Fields also. I arrive at pretty much everything I like way late, so there's probably a ton of other things, but those are the biggest things I can think of.

Honestly I wouldn't put it past Malvo to procreate strictly for the sake of having a ready successor to operate vicariously through.