
In fairness that is probably the second best thing you could be doing while watching Watchmen, after "turning the movie off and reading the actual graphic novel".

"Three entire jars of pickled wieners?"
"Pickled wieners are awesome!"

Heads has a picture of Joel Coen; Tails, Joel Cohen.

That was, uh, *looks around nervously, coughs* before my time.

He should realize that just 'cause he feels it, doesn't mean it's there.

If you had asked me to guess who Maximinius Thrax was, "Actual Roman Emperor" would have been way behind "Lead singer of a Swedish death metal band" and "Doctor Who villain" as far as answers go.

I can't imagine the other Gerhardts (namely Floyd) would've been too happy with him if he'd sat back and let Bear beat the shit out of Dodd.

Do we think Simone's gonna come back from her roundabout? Or has she gone on to the south side of the sky— aw shit wrong band

I think he also references an old schoolteacher named Mrs. Knudsen when he's talking to Lester at some point — same lady, perhaps?

"But then wouldn't paintings be in black in white too?"
"Of course not! They were color paintings of black and white things!"

I saw a print ad from the '70s promoting a bra that featured twp protuberances to approximate nipples, and all I could think was "This explains so, so much about the '70s."

"This will be a true story, At the request of the living, all names have been changed. Out of respect for the soon-to-be-dead, the rest has been told exactly as it will occur."

My biggest problem with it was that Renner's character (can't even remember what he was called) is nowhere near as compelling as Jason Bourne. I would've honestly been happier if they'd taken a page from the Bond movies and just had him be Jason Bourne without any explanation for the change. Aside from that it was

How do you feel about Peter Pan, Frankenstein, and/or Superman?

What about Wipe?

And that manic grin he has when he loses it at the last caller… so, so, so good.

These are all great episodes but frankly I'm stunned that "The Biggest Failure in Broadway History" isn't on here. It's the episode that I've in effect seen the most times, mainly because of all the times I watched "No Adults Allowed" on YouTube and then felt compelled to watch "The New KKK", and then "Ad Awards", and

That bit in Intervention where the strings suddenly kick in never fails to give me chills. That is how you do bombast.

I swear I've seen at least one other RepostedA7X post where someone has randomly been threatened with Lou Gehrig's disease.

That was really my biggest issue with the trailers I saw. The Guaraldi scores are so instantly evocative and iconic on their own — who on earth are they trying to win over with a generic pop soundtrack?