
They forgot Vin Diesel as Totally X-treme Early 2000s Bond.

You sometimes want to read A reviews for shows you don't watch.
You always want to read F reviews for shows you don't watch.

For some reason I keep thinking AHS is on Fox, so every time I see those I catch myself thinking "did American Horror Story get banished to cable? Why didn't I hear about this?"

That was what I thought. The record suffered from how overproduced it was; there were good tunes in there but they'd've been better served by a much more lo-fi aesthetic. The good just sorta drowns in that post-Fleet Foxes, post-Bon Iver wall of reverb. It was good enough to make me curious in their progression

I remember his specific words were "I understand it more" which is… yeah.

His brother is named Luigi Palpatine.

"You can imagine what happens next."
"He fixes the moisture vaporators?"

I really hope he washed his hands offscreen before he got the bacon for Lou. All I could think was "ewwwww don't touch the meat with your Rye hands".

Honestly I could come up with something snarky to say, given that I too dislike this song, but all I will leave are these two points:
- Don't start unbelieving
- Never don't not feel your feelings

That is probably the only outcome that would get me interested in this. Hey DC? You know you're trying to provide a counterpoint to Marvel by being grim and serious, and mostly failing at it? You're doing it wrong! You should be countering them by making your movies even worse! Steer into the curve!

I love this album title, because to a lot of people I imagine it sounds like just a pair of words that someone making creative decisions thought sounded cool together, and beyond that had some relatively arcane reason for using. And it kinda does, but much less so if you've ever used Photoshop before.

Thrilled to see this got a good review. This was easily my most anticipated record of the year (and that's saying a lot, considering there was a new Mountain Goats record this year).

The second half of Reflektor reminds me a lot of the second half of Synchronicity, in a good way.

Holy shit, Thomas Middleditch is the guy from that commercial.

Both these comments are interesting to me, because they're both issues that I have with plenty of other Metric songs, but not ones I heard here. To each their own, I guess.

Really been looking forward to this one, all the singles I've heard thus far have been really tight (ESPECIALLY The Shade, that one had all my attention from the very first time I heard it).

This is both the best and worst news I received today.

I'll miss you… me.

It's honestly the strongest proof of his skill as a yeller. In anyone else's hands it just comes off as hacky, someone assuming yet again that they can make comedy just by being loud and profane. Bob just throws so much shock and revulsion into it that it becomes the best part of an already funny bit.

That was actually playing in my head the whole time I was reading this article, funnily enough.