
You're thinking of his brother Joaquin Phoenix, who plays center for the Chicago Bulls.

That wasn't even out yet! They just forbid DJs from reading passages from the book on air; that's probably why they don't really do that anymore.

My only guess is the phonetic proximity to "Diablo". That's literally the only thing I can think of.

Discovering who Rob Paulsen is really explained why all those cartoon voices I heard as a kid sounded so similar to each other.

If I recall it was pronounced that way in the first few audiobooks (not the Stephen Fry ones, the Jim Dale ones), but switched over about halfway through the series. At the time I thought the people directing had finally come to their senses; in retrospect I wonder why they changed it if that was indeed the correct

I have feelings every single day of my life, dude.

That turned out to be better advice than either of you could've anticipated.

A while ago I read a feature that listed a whole bunch of current pretenders to long-abolished monarchies. It was kind of really surreal.

The SMW soundtrack is fantastic; the jump in musical depth is huge relative to how much the tech improved. I love the little 16-bit ukelele strums in the overworld theme.

I find Nolan movies can be like that. I didn't care for Inception at all when I first saw it, but it stuck with me, I kept thinking about it, and the next time I saw it, I enjoyed it greatly. Similar thing happened with TDKR (although I haven't re-watched that yet, so maybe I still won't like it when that comes

Would you say Lebron's performance does not live up to that of Julius "Dr. J" Erving in The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh then?

CGI Billy Connolly is hands down the worst part of the Hobbit trilogy, and I know that's a pretty crowded field of contenders. I imagine my reaction was the exact opposite sensation of an eight-year-old seeing Star Wars for the first time. Pure jadedness. If there was any part of the trilogy that definitively said "PJ

And literal smoke and fire, in the case of Donnie Darko.

Literally everything Aramark makes tastes exactly the same. It's unspeakably horrifying.

How many episodes have a plot twist revealing that the Allied agent Colonel Hogan is supposed to be meeting with is a beautiful woman?

Pshaw, indie rock hasn't been indie since, like, 1985. Or something.

Is this the template for all web series now? A famous person drinking some sort of beverage with someone who was on TV a few decades ago?

That's so true — I feel like that's something I've always felt about it but never really managed to put my finger on.

Wasn't there a Mohd Comment Generator or something that was going around a while ago? That strikes me as more interesting.

I'll cop to being tired and a little more on edge than usual when I made that comment, so for any unnecessary combativeness (i.e. basically the whole post) , I apologize.