
I'm glad you feel comfortable asserting this as the reality for all introspective children.

As it turns out, his favorite is neither the black nor the Chinese, but the pregnant.

I'm curious: who are the sixteen rappers ahead of LL Cool J?

I doubt it would. As Snoop Dogg can attest, the CIA, FBI, LAPD, Vatican, et al. all know better than to fuck with Robyn.

It's 100% consistent with the works we most associate with him, funnily enough. Spaced and the Cornetto trilogy were molded by their geekdom, that goes without saying, but at the same time they weren't defined solely by it; they had real human emotion and conflict at their core that gave them depth beyond the the

Possum Kingdom is honestly one of the most compelling arguments in post-grunge's favor.

That is how roughly 85% of all people my age know that song. That's also a pretty conservative estimate on my part.

1997, actually.

This is honestly one of my favorite movies just because of how preposterously unsubtle it is. It's basically "how do you do, fellow kids?" in movie form and I love it for that.

Wouldn't that just be the Middle East?

That wouldn't happen to be the episode that this is from, would it?

"Iris" from the credits of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't at least partly why it's my favorite Layton game.

I actually thought that was partly what made him a good interviewer. He was always capable of adjusting the persona according to the interviewee.

9 Actors who should do more comedy? 9 Actors who have never done comedy? 9 Actors who seem unfamiliar with comedy as a concept? I get confused easily.

It vacillates between Kiki and Mononoke. I could never bring myself to choose between the two.

Do you not count The Grand Budapest Hotel as a comedy?

Five Guys has great but inconsistent fries in my experience. First few times I had them, they were otherworldly. Next few times I was somewhat underwhelmed.

Dirty Grandpa sounds like the ripoff of Bad Grandpa that you'd find in the Walmart discount bin.

I feel comfortable asserting that I'm the only person who liked that cover without any reservations.

Studi Ghibli's Space Jam