
Either that, or you're so well off that you're literally just looking for things to be upset about.

Every episode of Steve Harvey-era Family Feud:
Steve Harvey: Name something you insert into your anus.
Contestant: Dildo.
Steve Harvey: What the fuck dude you can't say that on TV.
Top result: Dildo (87)
Steve Harvey: *flips out*

The midichlorians have been phased out in favor of mp3chlorians.

Pre-Taped Call-in Show would probably be my go-to sketch for introducing people to the series. It's just so utterly complete in both concept and execution.

The scene where Knives comes to the door and Scott desperately starts scrambling around trying to stay out of sight is a master class in visual comedy. Good god do I love Edgar Wright.

I'm gonna be honest all this did was make me want to hear Mouth Sounds again.

Ugh, the Dutch. I never formed an opinion on them.

Ooh me! Me me! I'm Asian!
I personally didn't find Colbert's joke offensive; in a vacuum, (i.e., as an attack on Dan Snyder and the attitudes he publicly holds) I thought it was effective. BUT I can certainly understand and empathize with people who did find it offensive; the joke may work in a vacuum, but it doesn't

Ah, see, but it is a purposeful exaggeration of something he said. It's satire.

I forgot that quotation marks are only ever used to indicate something that was literally spoken by a real person, rather than to generally indicate speech, fictional or otherwise, from a person, fictional or otherwise.

At the very least it's a tragedy that it ended just barely too soon to dig into an episode/subplot about streaming. It seems too cruel for a show all about television to miss the biggest shift in its structure since its creation.

*Minor Spoilers, I Guess?*
Most unfortunately it was not revealed that the bunker was where the Reverend got high and played video golf all the time.

I thought Bitcoin was more of an Internet Libertarian thing.

Pinot Noir has been playing nonstop inside my head since I saw this episode.

It's only because it's the Yankees. If he'd posed as a member of the Milwaukee Brewers that would've been totally punk rock.

I'm at least 45% convinced it's why Arcade Fire started trying to make dance music.

Let's try this in reverse. You actually enjoy The Godfather but are afraid to admit it because liking something popular and universally well-regarded conflicts with the "not like those gullible sheep" persona you've tried to create for yourself.

I revisited FOP a while ago. It holds up… okay, I guess. It had some really clever ideas but it gets so damn shrill sometimes.

That's pretty much why I never really liked Unwound Future as much as the others. The conclusions are always kind of outlandish, but they're at least outlandish in a way that's relatively consistent with the rest of the game. Unwound Future just goes way too far over the top. Between the sheer scale of the big twist

Garfield Minus Garfield : Lazy comic strip edits :: Eddie Van Halen : Fingertapping solos from shitty metal bands. Insert joke about a bowl of M&Ms with all the Garfields removed, or something.