
I was gonna say, there's a shocking lack of Oasis on this list, until I remembered that "Oasis songs that sound like other people's songs" could potentially be its own Inventory.

Yeah, I learned about this a while ago, and it makes perfect sense just from the way the game's designed. If you fall behind in something like Settlers of Catan you can always claw your way back if a couple of good rolls come your way. It's not easy but you can do it. If you fall behind even a little in Monopoly,

Ricin in the jelly beans, etc.

I'd add The Lost Mattress to the list. The soap opera hospital pastiche in that one really helps preserve the classic-Spongebob feel. But yeah, you could definitely feel something starting to feel off with that season. From the beginning something about it just seemed a little… stretched thin, I guess.

I've said to people in the past, but I think part of the reason for the decline was how the writing became too fixated on the plots, rather than just coming up with the setting and exposition and then letting the characters run wild in it. The way I characterize it is this: The Fry Cook Games aired in season 2, and

I used to be like you. I saw people ragging on Mohd and went "hey, why are they ragging on Mohd? He seems okay." Then came about 500 instances of scrolling down to the comment section and going "Oh… I see Mohd's the first commenter again… and he's saying something only vaguely related to the article… hmm." After that

Bob yelling pretty much anything on Mr. Show is one of life's great joys.

Well the telephone is ringing,
Isth that my mother on the phone?
Telephone isth ringing,
Is that my mother on the phone?
The telephone is sthcreaming,
Won't she leave me alone?
The telephone isth ringing,
Isth that my mother on the phone?

There's something about the line "You are a tall glass, a blast from the past" that just clicks with me on a spiritual level. Couldn't really tell why (I mean, apart from being really nicely consonant-sounding), but it's something really cool about a song I already love.