
ambiguous. he was referring to the night where he stayed out on the front porch with a shotgun to protect Betsy and Molly. up until now I assumed the "what" he was referring to was the cancer, but who knows?

the same Reagan movie that distracted Peggy in the last episode was also playing in the motel room when the Gerhardts raided. I know there weren't too many channels in late-70's South Dakota, but shit.

I've never seen any group of cops, real or fictional, completely fuck up a situation with the speed and focus of the South Dakota cops tonight.

if Hanzee went along with Dodd's "Kansas City Butcher" story to engineer the total destruction of the Gerhardt family, well, that's pretty Malvo-esque.

son of a bitch. I shoulda read a little further down.

here's a replay of that scene for anyone who may have missed it:

I'll have to rewatch the scene; I remember him barging in and Charlie going down after the first shot. I could be wrong though.

he really is a shit cop

he kneecaps two of the guys in the alley, plugs the barkeeper, kills Dodd, and takes a shot at Hank and Lou out the window. five shots. IIRC we never see him fire it before tonight.

I think Dodd sent Charlie in as a win-win for him. obviously, if Charlie succeeds, he essentially "chooses" Dodd over Bear, as you said.

Hanzee fires five shots from his revolver tonight before it goes dry when he tries to shoot Ed.

here I thought Dodd would survive and turn legit as the webmaster for Reddit. so much for that theory.

for a split second I started to think that maybe he was some kind of hired muscle under deep, deep cover. that final scene was such a great fucking cliffhanger.

him slipping away just as Lou came to the front door was a pretty great shot

the look he shoots at Plemons when he tries to repeat the "we hit a tree!" story, oh man.

I went to the Bears/Seahawks game in 2009 and the crowd was like 40% Bears fans. the "12th Man" thing is pretty clearly a sham cooked up by the team (read: stolen from Texas A&M) because they're too historically bland to have any interesting identity to sell.

disagree. the playcall itself was bad.
1. the Patriots actually tried to do the same kind of thing against Denver last year and it didn't work, so they were likely prepared for it. you can even see it when the play goes into action - not only did the Patriots not jump offside or commit any other kind of penalty, they

Aaron loved it raw dog, when will he learn? / caught somethin on the Usher tour, he had to let it burn

Stephen Dillane and Iain Glen look like the frontman/lead guitarist duo from an old punk band.