
I am also one of those people. I think the goal line technology used in soccer, hockey, and tennis is useful because it's quick and definitive ("did the ball cross the line?")

foh, the Giants were stacked in 1986.

has to be russell.

as a Bears fan who lived through Dave Wannstedt, I have to imagine this is the correct answer.

all the MLS teams that have "FC" in their names are the funniest and saddest examples of this.

I believe you mean "Willennium."

except for that one shot where even Tormund (the wildling dude) is mouthing "no," like he knows it's a mistake.

but also won the battle. we all saw that Jon probably shouldn't have been trusted the command the Vale's soldiers.

Varys makes an offhand comment back in S2(?) that he's heard nothing from the North since the Ironborn invaded. I can buy that the combination of Ned's death, the Ironborn taking over, and the Boltons taking everything back disorganized and decentralized the North enough that communication would be shot.

I actually believe Littlefinger when he says he didn't know about Ramsay. My thought is that Roose Bolton was really keen on people not knowing anything about Ramsay other than "he exists," because it would reflect poorly on him and his house if people knew how crazy and vicious Ramsay really was.

"Or to trip down some stairs and die like a chump."

she's actualized, god dammit.

"kind of an asshole?"
"that's the one"

Lester sending Linda to her certain death was the one in season 1 that got to me.

true. I was referring more to rushing right into a harebrained wire-wearing bust (speaking of, I do like Cheney's delusions of grandeur off-set by the narrator calling Mike a "low-level muscle") without doing any kind of investigation or tracking down Hanzee or trying to coordinate with any other law enforcement

for sure. I bet that as the years go on he lumps everything that has happened in the past few episodes as a "what," and leaves it at that.

it did seem like shades of Malvo, pulling strings and helping stupid, greedy people destroy themselves.

I've always had a feeling it was a metaphor for time slowing down or having an out-of-body experience or some such thing.

just one?