
I'm imagining D&D staring at a character web and then looking at each other and saying, "yeah we gotta get rid of some of these people."

the Night's Watch pranked him to death with a tire iron. he was being a real Stiffy McStifferson.

when that soldier asked Stannis to follow him into the woods, I thought for sure Stannis was going to get fragged.

for all the flaws and complaints you can make about this episode and the season as a whole, Cersei's walk was an unquestionably great scene.

re: Jon Snow - it's really disappointing that they gave the coup de grace to some dumb kid that can't act and nobody cares about.

remember way back in season 1, when Jaime's men confronted Ned's men outside the brothel? how the Lannister men threw their spears at Ned's men, then drew their swords to fight in close combat? no? neither did the writing staff, apparently.

I mean, Jesus, Tyrion is accused of killing his King and he has to shoot his father with a crossbow and travel clear across the globe; Roose actually drives a knife through the heart and all he has to do is furrow his brow and talk about being cautious.

the entire next season should literally just be Wun Wun (the giant has a name, you know) wandering around and wrecking shit.

my guess is that a lot of them are former Second Sons, which would explain why we have not seen any of them this season (or last season, for that matter).

how does the rightful God feel about kinslaying? because that's two strikes for Stannis now.

but I agree with you completely about the north, though. the Boltons have crossed the line from "intriguing antagonist" to "silly plot contrivance." have they ever actually had to face consequences for anything they've done?

if Wun Wun crushes that weirdo squinty kid like a grape, the storyline at the Wall will all be worth it.

as always, Stannis is only a passable human being when Davos is around to keep him in check.

the Dorne storyline has come across like bad Game of Thrones fanfiction.

I think they were trained specifically to fight against the Dothraki; in other words, in formation in an open field, against cavalry. they're pretty far out of their depth here.

Ned: beheads a dude with one swing
Robb: beheads a dude with one swing
Jon: beheads a dude with one swing
Theon: well, Rodrik did eventually lose his head

he won't, but his ladyfriends probably will. their disdain was palpable. not a welcoming sight.

has to be the Mountain. Chekhov's corpse!

there was a little fake-out at the last second, too.

The House of Black and White has a very "1990's music video" aesthetic to it.