
I love Kev. I loved him in Reba too.


Wish he had too. But he probably thinks he's still in love w/ the weirdo. What was all that about anyway? Her husband who is a doc of theology which makes him a pastor, doesn't it? At least if he believes what he's a doc of he knows adultery is wrong & why. He let her do it cuz he wasn't very good at it & sometimes

Fiona really took "I'm gonna start doing things for me" really far. Lol. Of course she can & should do that but she has a family she is responsible for & should be caring for them at least minimally. Single moms & dads do it all the time. Ppl don't just give themselves completely over to, in her case, buying a

Yeah, I think all kids can get medicaid, for dentist & optometrists also. So Jimmy/Steve buying braces for Carl is weird. But maybe it's diff there. It is that way in NC. Adults in most cases I know about aren't. And I really don't know that much about it.

Maybe his professor will help him? He's done a lot already tho & getting Lip to do something is like pulling teeth. Staying drunk is way easier but I really hope he doesn't carry on the family tradition. It happens in real life all the time.

I so agree. She's either naive or stupid or both to scream in the windows. Someone needs to be guiding that girl. She should have called police. They can't do that! A social worker is what she needs. She was a little bitch getting pregnant on purpose but his wonderful family can pay her since they r so concerned.

I know what ur saying. Unplanned babies in my family & in close friends families aren't thrilled about it at all in some cases, extremely not thrilled but once the kids get here they r surround w/ more love than u can imagine. Even the baby daddies r after some time to see if they're gonna step up.

Yeah! Very good point!

He's amazing & not handsome in the traditional sense but he is so cute & sexy.

Yes. I thought Lip was going to ask Fiona for a character ref also. I was thinking about that review - r family members really the best ppl to give one? When I've applied for jobs they would specify no family members. But that was a great ref his bro gave for him. Great.


I've cringed at Debbie since the show started but she was at least somewhat likable. Would be interesting if the father's family stepped in & took the kid. Would u want your flesh & blood raised by that girl?!

Me too. I like Carl. But what happened to the kid who tortured animals & on the road to becoming a serial killer? Now there's a character!

Some ppl may not like my comment cuz I'm not a tv writer but it seems to me the writers have basically given up on "Shameless". What started as an interesting sometimes funny sometimes serious tv show has jumped the shark. The characters r inconsistent, etc. Sooo much etc! It had & still has so much potential to show

I've never cared for Debbie at all but teenagers r hard to like. Like someone on here commented I'm enjoying her getting her reality check. I'm sure it'd be horrible but best thing she could do for baby is let her be adopted. I knew a girl in real life who had her child for 2 YEARS. She couldn't take care of her well

I read a very interesting book about what changes an alcoholic's body goes through called "Under the Influence". Very interesting & very scary. In your early drinking days before there are problems - DUIs, blackouts, severe hangovers, etc your cells are already changing & if someone were to call u out on it u would

It happened like that for me also. It seems to but didn't come out of no where. And it takes diff ppl longer or shorter times to get there but get there you will. No doubt.

Agreed. Thx for saying what I was getting ready to. It is not sudden. Also when an alcoholic goes from functioning to not it looks like this.

U must be a pych student! I never would have thought of that but it makes sense.