
If u disclose some things they will haunt u the rest of ur life. It's just not right but that's how it is.


All of u that comment put far more thought into these characters than the writers do IMO. Perhaps they will read them & tho I'm sure they think they know better take a few of these comments & see what they could do. Unless they r bored of the whole gig & just want it to be over.

I agree!! Yuck. Like dating ur dad.

Whoa. Not that I consider 52 that old & he looks good for that age but that's really a lot older than Fiona. Whatever I guess.

No. He would have to sign something saying it was ok to look at his records. If he refused they would prob find a way to get rid of him tho. Damned if u do or don't. A shrink told me to lie about being in a mental health facility so it's usually the right thing to do depending if they can find out later or not.There

I'd like to see the big guy from juvie have an arc. I was so glad when he started speaking. Sounds like a horrible childhood. His father deserved to be killed for selling the kid's bike for a rock. That broke my heart. Carl is a bad influence on him. Wonder how many ppl out there live this shit.

It would be much more interesting if Jeffery Dean Morgan stayed (he was there for one ep playing Sean) but then he wouldn't be Negan on TWD. That man is seriously sexy. 😍

I know. Like just take the damn meds man! Unfortunately I think not wanting to take them is part of the disease. Idk a lot about bi-polar tho ppl tell me they hate them cuz they like the "high" & the drugs take that away & they feel like zombies. I have mental illness in my fam & it is horrible. My bro is schophenic &

It's really not that bad. Of course I was scared to death cuz u don't know what to expect but honestly it was a lot of fun w/ us mental cases bonding & equally bonding when we would get to the rougher parts of group therapy. When u or someone you've bonded w/ spills their guts. U help each other pick them back up. Not