
I try to guess from Judith. She seems to be about 2 but she could be 3. Idk. The creators of this show prob don't know.

The most abused girl I've ever known was never beat. He just ignored her. He NEVER spoke one word to her his entire life. It messed her up good. There r all kinds of abuse & they aren't all physical.

Karma is a real thing. And even tho he was the way he was I'm sure it hurt. πŸ˜”

Maybe he thinks he's a MD just cuz he said he is a doc. Some ppl do.

I'm sorry about what happen. I can relate. A lot of us prob can. JDM must take his craft very seriously if he looked for & added these to his character. Actors have incredibly demanding jobs. They have to do a lot of research & sometime either get skinny or gain a lot of weight for a role.

My stray observation:

I agree that's it's a good move for Eugene. Nobody even misses him! Rosita is the worse. Every time she speaks to him I cringed. I know he lied. But he was using what he had to survive & that was his intellect.


I agree. However I hope to see the General get in there & make some heads roll. I really don't know how much power he would have in a situation like that but I'd love to see the scum guards put in prison. Or something far worse. Not to mention that horrible horrible corp. Some of them shouldn't be walking around in…

It must have been something pretty bad that happened at the men's prison cuz Piscatella looked absolutely terrified. Why is he even working in any prison?! He should have been fired & charged with whatever. I guess the "brotherhood" cover for each other. Very scary.


I just finished watching. I love ur review btw. I just wanted to say that the handful of women I know & know of that have been to prison each said the worst part of it were the guards. They took advantage of their power over these women who couldn't get away & who nobody was going to believe if he was reported.…

True. They all act like Psych is a nightmare & I hate she ended up somewhere like that. There are good mental facilities. The lady needed more or better help than Healy could provide. She clearly needed some anti-psychotics. Maybe he was giving them but I don't think he was. She was a nice lady. We'll prob never see…

Will never forget It. Not a book to read on an already creepy night! Lol.

I worked for corps most of my working life (tho not a prison corp). The scenes from Capoto & that corp girl Linda (I've know Lindas) business trip seemed so familiar. We would do those kind of things as well.

I so enjoy ur reviews. I read them on a number of tv shows. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


Thank u!😘

How did u make that unreadable?

I know not the ways of Hollywood but he's really quite a great actor IMO. To be honest I'd never heard of him before this show & then his name keeps popping up in diff movies I happened to be watching. U know how things like that seem to happen. He can play a variety of diff personalities which is how I judge the…