Boo Stew


I wouldn’t say dragging it down but the drama is definitely low key. I think what works is that the struggle feels real for the character of Sophia and they give you ample moments where you see beneath the bluster to something vulnerable. In fact sometimes she’s just one big nerve ending reacting to the slightest

Most of the movie trusts the audience to piece things together and empathize with the characters and then that bullshit ending comes along just so it can deliver its empowering message in screaming neon letters. It was still a good movie but they flubbed the landing hard.

Ke$ha used up all his feature points.

The part where she sings “Take Off, Take Off” sounds like her b-side (deluxe track?) Without You. So I’m probably not going to get past that ever.

I don’t think a season 2 is confirmed? I thought it was just a nice messy ending that sort of suggests that wrapping a bow on one issue (one girl’s suicide) isn’t a resolution.

The scene in question was absolutely devastating to watch, and is fed into by everything the viewer has seen up to that point. Kate Walsh disappears into the mother’s broken grief. If it had been anything less than what it was, I might urge caution or criticism but I think they were very brave in going as far as they

I was convinced this was an Amazon original movie and went to look for it and customers who bought this item were also buying Underworld: Blood Wars so there’s a good case to be made for it being marketed completely wrong.

I’m curious if this can be enjoyed more without the hangup of the “true story” that hampered the reviewer's viewing of it. I mean, divorced from whatever baggage its dragging, is it good storytelling or isn’t it?

A cat plays with a bird even after delivering what will be the fatal blow. Hmmm…

All well and good but we all know Cottonmouth steps aside early on to make way for the much less compelling Diamondback.

Do you like birds… because oh man.

It won me over as soon as they showed the pre-Beast prince, as not a boy in princely attire, but a young adult fop obsessed with opulence and prestige and eye makeup during the opening narration. Sorry to spoil that point but if I’d read that sooner I would’ve never had any doubts they were on to something

The criticism about the world flipping through different climates is patently ridiculous. I would go into detail but it’s a spoiler, and frankly, this is one occasion where I feel organically discovering the insane attention to detail paid to every single facet of this game world is vital. Yes, even the metal flowers

I also felt like, despite the flash dancing and phantom zoning, nothing was MOVING (ironic considering that nothing was actually moving, I know.) Not sure what didn’t work for me but I wasn’t carried along, I was dropped off left waiting on a bus.

One thing that seems to be going under appreciated by the masses is that these Defenders shows aren't about heroes at all. They are actually about land deals.

My daughter lured me into a false sense of security, eating up spooky fare like Coraline and Secret of Nimh at a young age, but later shying away from frights when her imagination started filling in the blanks. I probably set the whole “it’s just a movie” thing back several years by letting her see stuff her young

So I was both correct and incorrect. It WOULD have been foolish to LMD Daisy, BUT they didn’t so I happily award the point to AoS. Great episode.

I love the show but I feel like I just can’t weather any element that takes me away from Norman’s world any more. It’s a testament to the strength of the storytelling that’s lead us here, but man I don’t care about Dylan or Emma or Romero in any way at this point. I want to see where the Norman/Norma/Bates Motel stuff

“happening” isn’t happening.