Boo Stew

Are you sure? This is the dialogue from the scene in question.

Lifetime therapy for Chad?

Finally. They all laughed at me and called the police when I would show up dressed as a giant chicken and sing show tunes. Well, who’s laughing now? MAKE ME AN OFFER, CHUCK.

Meanwhile, Starz is all like, “hey does anyone want to break into these extremely vulnerable servers? We’ll just turn our backs for a moment and leave the firewall down…”

Should've used cardboard like Team Rocket's tank. #DEEPCUT.

She looked and moved so much like her teacher, it was touching. There was an effortlessness about her and a kind of barely masked joy that bordered on sinister.

Rock music is in a weird place. The best way I can describe it, is that I am excited by the off kilter intros to songs but as soon as the familiar rhythms and blues kick in proper, I’m utterly disappointed. Peter Pan is very much this for me but elsewhere on the record, it’s like rock music is getting in the way of

I mean dismiss Webb’s 500 Days~ all you want, but diss Crazy Ex-Girlfriend at your own peril AV Club. I think he’s proven that he can deliver exactly what a story like Only Living Boy~ requires and then some. I’m still not gonna see the movie because New York has overstayed its welcome on the big screen but it has

I feel like the show is slowly unveiling that some of the more inconsequential scenes are the most important puzzle pieces. While “not much” happened in this episode, thematically there was a lot going on. At its heart was a scene of Benjamin Horne talking about the bike his father got him and lamenting that Richard

which is the pattern on the cover for her cell phone as well! Coordinating!

Audrey’s introduction wasn’t just anticlimactic from a narrative point of view it was deliberately anticlimactic as a visual reveal. We first see her out of the corner of our eye tucked away in the frame, the camera mid-pan to a character we’ve never met who we would never imagine “our” Audrey married to. It was not

Has anyone optioned this for the film rights yet? If not, we need to talk.

Nah. There've been some KILLER post conversions —like every animated film. It's the fact that many of the post conversions were afterthoughts that did in the experience.

Word is 2 onward are going to be in glasses free 3D. ;)

you can’t Win ‘em all.

Also Littlefinger wanted to test out Jon’s mettle. Being in control doesn’t necessarily mean the one who is doing the choking. In this case, he found out how easily he could rile him.

Someone probably tipped him off. Someone who either wanted Ellaria and The Greyjoys out or wanted to move Danaerys to attack King’s Landing sooner rather than later.

“it almost literally pivoted” is the best analysis of that scene I think I’ve ever heard or read.

Duly noted. Never thought it resolved anything the series wouldn't, figured it was a recap that lead up to the end of and covered a different side of The Return we might not have been privy to.

Anyone who has a kid in the suburbs will tell you that you literally do plan for your kid's birthday maybe not six but three months in advance because you have to book the Bounce Party/Safari/Mecca and make sure the parents have the date open because another child might take your date otherwise and parents only do one