Boo Stew

I'd have preferred they replaced her with a tree or something for that scene. It looked… awkward even for Lynch.

For me the high of Episode 8 is wearing off and I’m honestly growing bored. Like, yes the Dougie stuff is good a for a laugh (or 5) and has hit some very poignant moments, and sure the FBI investigation introduced us to Diane and gave us some menacing Mr C stuff but I kind of want the feature to start now as I’ve

Mark Frost has a new book out in October called the Final Dossier which sounds like it's the definitive end of this story.

On Showtime’s APP/Amazon they’re called The Return Parts 1-9 so… ?

This film stank. I don’t mean that it was bad. I mean that every time the ladies turn it up for John or John for they, you get a face full of pheromones to choke on. It’s ridiculous and kind of wonderful. John is only ever their fantasy play thing in this version and when he breaks (or arguably they break him,) it’s

In Japanese culture the time 4:44 is a bad omen because the number four is pronounced the same as death. I’m pretty sure he’s referencing that here.

That “non actress DJ” had five minutes of screen time total, 3 of which were a decent fight. Also she was mute so not sure what more to expect. I still criticize her performance because Sophia Boutella had a similar role in Kingsman and somehow was riveting but she also had a blade boot/leg thing.

The plot of The Great Wall was simple and easy to hang a genre movie on, it didn’t need much more depth than it had and honestly, it did a pretty good job of telling the story it did have. Now, the characters… that’s the real weakness. We didn’t get enough of the other generals or anything really meaty (or for that

A someone else pointed out, he was clearly playing George Michael.

Great choices all around, for me Resident Evil VII was transcendent in VR. And it’s not just the immersion or the jump scares it’s the revolutionary head tracking aiming which made the gun play which there is a little too much of in the second half, incredibly intuitive. I have since enjoyed playing Farpoint with the

I think the Black Lodge is as old as mankind or older. But they certainly do suggest that what we know as Bob was birthed in that moment or at least entered our world due to the bomb.

One thing I sort of took from this episode and I may be off base but… those were hobos right? Living in a “convenience store” in a dummy town at the nuclear test site? The way I see it, they weren’t spirits or anything THEN, they were lost souls caught in an unfathomable atomic event that turned them into shades. The

I visited the ground zero site in Hiroshima while in Japan and it is the first time I’ve ever felt something spiritual effect me so… physically. beyond just the emotions, at times I felt a great weight on me, like gravity was locking me to the ground. I mean, I was also manipulated by my own knowledge of what happened

The way it plays for me was that Bob is an aberration resulting from nuclear bombs. There was a natural order to things, even the White and Black Lodges, that seems to have been shaken up by the atomic reaction and the simultaneous mass of human suffering it birthed.

The way Richard holds that girl from behind is exactly how Mr C cradles the woman he kills. There’s definitely something there.

Additionally, I feel like the influence Good Coop had over them (remaining honorable, not taking advantage of his position) kept them from tipping into the darkness and all that has been undone.

Places not mentioned where the plot is thickening… Ben Horne and Ahsley Judd’s character looking for a mystery hum… Josie!? Audrey’s secret compartments? The wood!? NOTHING?

The fact that the dog leg in the trunk actually paid off plot-wise blew my mind. What is this incredibly forthcoming show?

If you watch the alternate path gameplay video it’s even more impressive. In it, Deacon gets the drop on those guys lying in wait with their rope and takes them out before they can set off their booby trap. There’s also one where it’s snowing which the devs say changes how things play out. One thing someone noticed,

I think I’m most eager to dig into Moss for PSVR. The trailer didn’t give many details but since that showing we’ve found out that you control both the mouse (action platformer style) and the spirit which means it’s the full fledged Rescue Robots we’ve been waiting on.