Boo Stew

It’s not inevitable. It’s possible and you want to take away any possibility. Perhaps we’re not talking about a one time epiphany, “i’ve seen the li~ght” but a slow trickle effect over time. Additionally, I’m not talking only about dyed in the wool racists, you’re adding that distinction to make your point. Perhaps,

It means I don’t have to pay for it.

No, you’re just assuming based on your preconceptions that these “enemies of what you believe" won’t learn, or change or think for themselves based on what they see and hear and feel.

I mean, OP did go on to say "Therefore their racist views must be censored, and silenced or otherwise drowned out.” So I think we’re talking big picture here not just Bill Maher and his show and this one network.

The flaw with your statement (as with any call for censorship) is that it belittles the intelligence of everyone you deem too mentally incapable of understanding that Milo is a deceitful, opportunistic scumbag, with hateful views, low intelligence, and little to say of any real value. I believe that people should be

There’s no need to act surprised. This show is a dunk tank. It’s not full of deep political discourse. You watch a bunch of outspoken experts and comedians with opposing views take shots at each other, until one of them lands a throw that puts another into the cold water, switch, repeat. It’s always been this way and

After Suicide Squad being made without an editor, i honestly believe Warner/DC will push forward without a director. “Just point some cameras that way and every one do stuff. We’ll play FM radio over the whole thing."

I didn't have any questions when the credits rolled that hadn't been answered. Did I do it wrong?

did they nerf it though, once you resume control of Ethan because it seemed so much stronger when Mia was wielding it?

She wasn’t wearing gloves in some scenes (which seemed so important to her when she explained that even being within touch distance makes her skin crawl) which makes me question whether she’s always real.

The weird thing is their clothes also switch places. That’s some intelligent mutant powers right there.

Exactly my question. Wouldn’t that give away the switch if she doesn’t?

It showed him Radcliffe, because presumably that was the quickest path to what he wanted.

Also, If we don’t get real Phil and real Melinda walking in on their robot surrogates in a love embrace, it will all have been for naught.

Replacing Daisy is a terrible plan because as soon as she fails to manifest her Quake ability which I assume an LMD can’t mimic, the game is up?

You would be dead wrong.

I much prefer the head tracking aiming in VR, since the Move VR strategy didn’t include any kind of controller for movement. Head tracking aiming should be in every VR shooter. It’s so intuitive.

THIS. Resident Evil 5 & 6 had absolutely thoughtless level design, funneling you from place to place and copy and pasting “bad guys” in as cannon fodder. There’s a part in Resident Evil 5 where you face off against a shit ton of Lickers and it’s just such a miserable experience because there’s no tension and no sense

Technically, that first pitch was in promotion of Sadako 3D which was the pits.

AFTERLIFE was some weird L’Oreal commercial via Zoolander with Alice and Claire trading glamour shots in-between blows. That was a bizarrely photographed film.