Boo Stew

This is strictly me daydreaming, but I can’t imagine Michael’s experiment is popular among hell’s working class. It does after all take jobs away from blue collar demons. If it succeeds, and is repeated it could put a lot of lava monsters out of work. The reason I think they may go here in season 2 is because they

Maybe Victor Freeze could fall in love with Jerome and keep him frozen until he can bring him back to life? MIGHT AS WELL!

Bullchip. As someone who’s been watching these films on repeat with a toddler I have to say you could do a lot worse than a Chipmunk movie as a parent (like say, A SMURF movie.) The first one has some fun highlights including the scene at the record company with Jason Lee and Cross.

Best indecision moment lamenting not being able to list the pros and cons of dry erase versus pen and paper specifically because it would require choosing either.

After the glorious and infuriating Pitioss Ruins, I’m feeling pretty done with Final Fantasy XV despite not yet clearing the last two menace dungeons or the big turtle dude. Does not bode well for their big post game DLC push that I can ignore my phone blowing up from my chocobros with so much left to do.

But what of the rest of the Catcher in the Rye saga you can’t tell me The Catcher in the Rye Saga: Back to Ghost School didn’t hew towards YA with Phoebe returning to introduce Holden to the “spirit world” beyond his eyes?

So my review? Did a person yell Assessino? YES. Did it make sense for them to do so? NOT REALLY.

I liked Unitl Dawn Rush of Blood because it taught me I was still afraid of clowns.

She should just say she didn’t say any of that. It worked for Trump.

They Stephen’d the King out of that shit.

WHAAAT? In interviews Jeremy Irons seemed positively… um… sure that he was in it with some actors he liked.

I didn’t realize The Secret Life of Pets was… rated. did anyone who watched it feel anything other than a mild sense of dissipating joy?

Zootopia was one of, if not my, favorite films of the year. Wonderfully inventive, great characters, very funny and I respected the way it delivered its message without succumbing to easy answers. The set piece in Little Rodentia, the way it plays with scale, might be one of the wildest animated sequences I’ve ever

They went full on survival horror with them in Chapter 13.

I was shocked by how effective the ending (and the lead up) is. The feels are strong with this one. I don’t think I’ve wept this much, and I mean uncontrollably, since… III? Even though I know it was rushed and some of it was unearned or just sort of there (especially a reveal about Prompto that most definitely

Did anyone choose a picture of Iris’ ass or a cup of ramen noodles for Noctis’ memory? That must be a surreal moment.

Pilot inspektor.

I like the scene where that girl (played by an actress with a face everyone knows) gets broken in half but that’s more admiration for some good horror comedy than whatever Blair Witch was trying to do.

I admired Warcraft as both a goofy entertainment (Ben Foster as the junkie wizard who lives in a loft is hilarious) and a legitimate piece of pop art. I thought it was far and away more watchable than any of the Hobbit trilogy and anything it borrows from other films seems to get an upgrade as if Jones is the PS4 Pro

On camera it’s a sausage.