A Big Stupid Baby

Can we talk about the shared moment of bewilderment between the White Walker and Jon when Longclaw didn't shatter?

They already got goop on the definitions for literally and figuratively.

Well more specifically that treat snobs really, really care about these things.

Macarons are the fancy cookie things, macaroons are little cake-ish things.

Hey, I like James Franco. His movies consistently meet my low expectations and also he's pretty.

Sia is actually Kyle's dad.

I don't like anything about this.

This is true, but a lot of anti-Semites have been hiding behind anti-Zionists. By the same token, a lot of Israeli hardliners use the Holocaust to attack rational arguments.

"Aw, shucks, looks like I won't be bathing in blood today."
"That's Our Damien!"

Who would have thought that Damien kid would still have problems?

The Annual Commies, slightly less prestigious than The Annual Cummies.

Medians offset slightly by bands you probably never heard of.

Now see, if it was gay propaganda, I probably would have enjoyed it.

I liked when he exploded on that episode of Justified.

Can't say I'm digging this recent "separate and probably inferior" approach to women in film.

Worse, it'll be Jake Busey again.

*Google CEO laughs, vapes a $100 bill*

I knew I've heard of this before; it's based on a recurring front page article for Something Awful. Always got a laugh out of the article, I'll have to check out the shorts.

I feel like, even though they often manage to get the headline right, they still rely heavily on rumors and tend to either misrepresent the details or simply say wrong things. I also think other news sites tend to follow them too closely, leading both to bad reporting and signal boosting mundane bullshit.

TMZ jumping the gun and misreporting turmoil in a celebrity's life? I don't know who to trust anymore…