A Big Stupid Baby

Well, modern anime has been shifting toward a schedule that resembles Western television, as opposed to the unending stream of animation week after week that cause corners to be cut and awful filler to be added when they got too close to the latest issue of the manga they were adapting. This means, generally, better

Well if I was Cosby rich, I'd probably have liquor within arm's length 80% of the time.

I always figured the same thing. Of course they know Swing Low, and probably a hundred other old standards, but they aren't going to give those racist shits the satisfaction.

Reading this in Conan O'Brien's 50's voice.

It was one page of Harry Potter, but yeah we still aren't talking about a huge hurdle.

Okay so we now know Christopher Curley helps write the Clickhole Clickventures.

If Colbert's departure had anything to do with it, it was probably that Stewart thought to himself "Wait a second, I can just leave! "

Counterpoint: I wish Vivi was even a tenth that fabulous.

Finders keepers!

Conan seems to like him a lot, he's had him on the show several times and got a huge kick out of his unaired Ronald McDonald bit, which Conan let him air as a clip.

Remind me of the HORDOR!

Based on the promo for the new season, he's playing an American again. He had his House accent going on.


As a guy who finds Patton Oswalt increasingly tiresome, I still thought he did a good job and I look forward to many more weeks of him making Jonah awkward as fuck.

Hugh Laurie can't get here soon enough. Not that the show needs him, but magical things happen when he does comedy.

I don't think anyone can blame you for finding JLD lovely. Everyone is Gary.

I imagine the guy who bought the $800 half dollar stopped believing before long, too.

I can't help but feel "experimental' is a euphemism for "something to do with corpses".

You're right, I'm sorry. I can't even play the jazz flute.

Non-alcoholic whiskey.