A Big Stupid Baby

It's only racist against blues brothers.

Coincidentally, "meat tornadoes" are exactly what Indiana lawmakers fear Big Gay wants to create.

He was a true visionary.

[misunderstands innuendo]

Well I would mention Gallagher, but you said "comedy".

Robert Z'Dar was a cool guy and I loved his work in shitty movies. RIP

I for one am going to miss the comments fan fiction in the reviews.

I really hate Boone, but I must say that actor is doing the finest fucking job making me hate him.

Yeah I love Austin's podcast. My dream would be them giving Jim Cornette a show where he reviews a Russo storyline once a week.

Drinkin' beer, makin' podcasts, and stunnin' 'round the world!

Unfortunately, The Ultimate Warrior is no longer around to scream about getting fags and Muslims out of America.

If you're into wrestling $10 a month is worth it for good to so-so PPVs and a ton of archival footage. Now not everyone might agree with me on that point, but I think we can agree none of this shit adds any value. Maybe the Jericho podcast.

It's true, I need upvotes to live.

I'd have told him I left my watch somewhere in his house but I forgot where on the way out, not tell him I lied for at least a week.

Great job making me sad, Internet.

To be fair, Jones started out as a force for good.

As a Hoosier, I'm surprised it took us so long.

That depends, how much do you support genocide? He acts a lot differently based on your answer.

I was going to make a joke about how many are in prison, but frankly ours probably deserve it more.

I dunno, I feel it would be utterly out of character. The whole point of Leslie is that, even though the citizens are mostly idiots, and even though the other politicians are slightly smarter but far less genuine, she loves her home and wants to do her best for everyone.