A Big Stupid Baby

I doubt they can faithfully recreate the Batusi in animation, but we'll see.

Yeah he's not one to trust in dark spaces.

What in the goddamn hell was going on with Sting and Triple H's entrances?

*shifts nervously*

It's not really a fair comparison. Not every show can have Malcom Tucker.

I loved how the blinds in Chuck's home slowly opened more and more throughout the episode as he got more and more involved in the case. That, and him trying to build up his "tolerance" last episode made the final reveal a lot easier to swallow.

Kevin Smith is addicted to making movies no one asked for and it's like watching an alcoholic destroy themselves. I don't need a ticket to look in the mirror.

Well, there's a reason I'm unemployed.

I honestly don't feel that weird with right-to-left scrolling sections. I'm certainly more used to the other way around, but adaptation has never felt that off to me in the odd occasion it happens.

Ted Cruz was run out of Canada with scathing passive-aggression.

*Canadian bank robber fires a shot into the air* "Okay, everyone, please sit down and be polite."

"Excuse me sir, could you put the contents of your lovely safe into this bag?"

It'd be one step closer to Marijuana Simpsons becoming canon.

What defines his presidency, for me, is that edit of someone telling him about the Twin Towers while reading to kids, and the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme starts playing. It'd work with a lot of his presidency, actually.

They know so much about films, they must be experts!

It almost feels like the opposite of Dead Money, where the story is intriguing but the gameplay can be a total slog. The game aspect of Lonesome Road is appropriately challenging and rewarding, but the story feels like it was almost an afterthought.

I save all of my waste for the day I become ultrafamous, at which point I will release it onto eBay slowly over the course of my career until I am finally the richest man ever. Then I will kill myself, and demand to be buried in an labyrinthine, trap-laden mausoleum with all of my money.

Yeah, I'm not sure what happened with Ulysses's writing. Plenty of Avellone's characters walk the line between "charismatic and insightful" and "wordy, faux-intellectual bores", but generally they come out on the better side. Guess it's hard to find good literature in the Wasteland.

Cameron Esposito can't even drive through the hills without a kevlar vest, which doesn't go well with denim.

Well it isn't widespread, of course, but that doesn't mean there aren't some immensely classified pieces of evidence sitting in a box somewhere in a Raiders-esque warehouse.