A Big Stupid Baby

I love when he talks about that Chelsea Manning tweet, it really exposes the immense fear these fucking fascists have. They want to exterminate anyone who isn't just like them, they carry around weapons, and the second anyone meets them with violence they crumble and cry. Apparently they just can't comprehend that the

Can't wait until the special also suggests her plane was downed by aliens working with the atlanteans.

Can you truly assassinate that which does not exist?

Really glad salt shakers will be helping the next time half the internet gets fucked.

I certainly don't think he was being intentionally homophobic, I understand the intent of the joke, and even if I was direly offended I certainly wouldn't stick up for those two loathsome assholes anyway. I take issue with the claim that I'm simply being too sensitive if I think Colbert should have put some more

Okay, look, I don't think Colbert needs to be boycotted but I think you need to rethink this position. There's a billion ways to mock Trump without resorting to shit like that.

I don't think it's so much the lines themselves, which rule, but the weirdness of having Richard shift from his greek chorus role to a more active role. I don't mind it much, personally, but I can see why someone would find it a little jarring.

Nah, A&E only picks up fucked up families before they appear in court.

I can't even begin to imagine the 99 octane kind of anxiety that runs through these kids' veins when they see their dad trending on social media.

Maybe he could have published anything but trash.

I think it's very important that waterboarding end, it's barbaric, inexcusable, and it's not even useful as an interrogation technique.

Just Shut the Fuck Up, Internet!

That's fair. I occasionally see fans who want him back in the ring and, while I think we all want that on some level, it seems careless for it to actually happen. Now, was he ridiculously underutilized at the time? Absolutely, and looking at the state of the product, I doubt they cared to learn the lesson. They have

Nobody can fault Bryan for lack of enthusiasm, but it doesn't undo the damage he did to his body. I'm as irritated by the constant elevation of part timers as anyone but I wouldn't trade Goldberg for Bryan if it means Bryan's gonna hurt himself more.

I wish I'll have something like what you two got someday, it seems really hard but incredibly rewarding.

Get your shit together, Massachusetts!

Really glad to see you back, Cameron! It's uh, been a rough one lately!

Nah, that would have been laying it on too thick. Gotta leave something for the comments sections.

Do NOT feed your comedian after midnight.

I'm glad he got to retire on his own terms. Things get dark quick when wrestlers ignore their injuries catching up on them.