A Big Stupid Baby

"I caught you, Dogwalker Lady in my neighborhood! I saw you pet all the dogs except that Mini-Schnauzer. Poor little guy. Spread that affection around! Unless you were using “tough love” to teach him a lesson. If that’s true, I apologize for jumping the gun and release you from the Splett Net."

I hope so. It's not too often she really gets to go toe-to-toe with the Joker.

Criminology is a science.

Oh boy, Batgirl's in this one! I bet she's gonna kick a lot of ass!

When I think of the forced loss school of impossible battles, I think of Final Fantasy IX. Beatrix shows up over and over to smack you down just as your gang of misfits is about to pull off a big win.

Also, if the next Bestcast happens to be for MBMBaM, you'll have done my three favorite podcasts in a row. They also just did their 300th episode.

The Mortal Kombat resort might be one of my favorite gags from any episode.

Suddenly, I feel like eating A THOUSAND PANCAKES.

The time Vince got furious with him and Sheik for murdering kayfabe by getting pulled over together is certainly worth a laugh.

I can't believe Jim Duggan's still kicking, and looks in decent shape for that matter.

They call it "physical therapy season" in wrestling.

I never much understood why so many baseball historians like to talk obsessively about archaic records when you could tell someone "Rube Waddell was one of the greatest pitchers of all time. He also ran off the field to chase firetrucks."

Yeah, sadly that's entirely possible. I don't mind Reigns in-ring, not a huge fan of his style honestly, but no matter where he goes this is going to be an albatross around his neck for the rest of his career.

I mostly agree with Kyle here, but there's one major sticking point for me: WWE should no longer be commended for sticking to their guns on Reigns. It was one thing a year ago, where Reigns had the dubious honor of winning a Rumble where the crowd favorite by a goddamn mile, Bryan, was dumped out unceremoniously. It

He's absolutely wonderful. The Jonah/Richard double act killed it last season.

He has no style
He has no grace
Not a kong
Just Ricky Gervais

This bottle.

Put this bottle back together.

The way you've been going through articles on Nathan pretending to have deep insight into the production of his show and his personal life is much creepier than Nathan's character has ever been.