A Big Stupid Baby

I never totally understood what that all was about. Most wizards seem to think muggles are all backward hicks, and they don't even care how we accomplish basically fucking everything they do, albeit with less whimsy and a bit more inconveniently.

Okay so I know wizards have methods to stop like, guns and shit, but could Hogwarts stop a cruise missile from hitting it? What about biological warfare? Chemical warfare? Surely world leaders must have some knowledge of these guys, and yet they consider ISIS a more credible threat than for-real warlocks?

Poor Ron had to put up with so many gay jokes growing up, and all his brothers wanted was for him to open up to them.

What Doug Stanhope has to say about things is usually, at least to some extent, the correct thing.

That's fair, I get that. I wouldn't call her great, but I don't think she sucks the life out of the room or overpowers other people on set the way some actors do. If she's got a decent script and solid direction, she can handle herself.

Well, at the very least, thank you for reminding me of Kingpin, Internet.

I'll see you some time next week, then.

Leaving after an episode that was mostly Doakes.

No, no, it was first written by a sexually repressed morman woman about a wet dream, and the screenplay was from someone with middling success writing for Dexter

Reminds me of when I was reading Raylan at a local cafe and a guy decided to ask me about it, then told me his business was renting out office space for people that work from home to come and work at.

I would love to hear a pope say "Ahahahahaha, remark~able!"

Much as I enjoy Rowan Atkinson in most roles, it's kind of a shame no one ever gets to say "[Insert Actor] of Blackadder fame" anywhere, even a website full of nerds.

Yeah, I absolutely agree. I think Stewart is a fine actress, and she seems like a very down-to-earth woman despite her early success. Now, I think the Twilight series is mostly bullshit (I do have a certain fondness for the last one), but that isn't really her fault. That was her big break, even if there was little to

Actors certainly shouldn't be shamed for good career opportunities, like Twilight certainly was for Stewart, but I think there's a middle ground between "recognize what you've done" and "fuck the critics they're bullshit".

Yeah, but… can he wear a cowboy hat?

Keygen music is really fucking cool, so for real, great job Internet.

WOAH this fucking rules. I'll definitely be watching this.

Colbert settled this, the thing is fine.

That's where I was going with that, yes.

Just the subway, if you were being thrifty.