A Big Stupid Baby

Save us, Florida Man!

Most of us are already coming over there.

Well see, that's the trick: he does it privately.

I Was Wrath but Then I Learned About Dianetics

"Tony, we're going to need an actor with certain skills for this film."

Do we really have to go through this shit again? Does anyone not know the Spider-Man origin story at this point? He was already one of the superheroes with the most mainstream appeal before the movies came out, and now he's had five major motion pictures (two of which were the origin story). For fuck's sake.


Then, he forgot that he had done all of that and just did it again a few times until his thoughts shifted to the joys of tapioca pudding, as his thoughts so often do.

Man, constructing the inside of the TARDIS is going to be a whole thing. is it going to come with one of those ship-in-a-bottle kits? Seems like it'd be hard to play around with it, too, since the door is so small.

You know, I hadn't really noticed before now that the two shows Wilkins reviews on Tuesday are also my regular Tuesday viewing shows. How 'bout that.

This is my favorite episode and I am all the more sad that this show is going off the air, because I doubt any other sitcom will be able to land something like this for the longest time. The general tone of comedy on TV is way too damn cynical, and anyone trying to replicate it would probably make things too cloying

That's the best time to sleep with their three beautiful daughters.

As if logic and cultural backgrounds have ever stopped hippies from soapboxing.

Iceland was Atlantis all along.

Cannibalistic? Wait, what's in beef?

Well, largely, yeah. But there's other bodily fluids.

What did you think the sauces at Taco Bell are?

A supersigh?! Buddy, this is the 1950's. All we got here is jokes about time-displacement in reference to products that exist thirty years in the future that, ironically, no one will get thirty years after that!

Pal, if you want a Pepsi, you gotta pay for it!

I abandoned the Grimace!