Upcoming films include Bad to the Bone, A Bone of Her Own, and For Whom the Bone Bones.
Upcoming films include Bad to the Bone, A Bone of Her Own, and For Whom the Bone Bones.
The joke that it isn't funny also doesn't seem that funny.
A new film, hot on the heels of American Sniper? Eli Roth's got incredible output.
Is "Bazinga" a real catch phrase?
Ah yes, I remember being on the liberal shadow cabal when we decreed that bookstores had to offer the insane ramblings of various conservative windbags, but not actually sell them to the only people who care.
Take this object, but beware: it carries a terrible curse.
Too Many Plots
Conan's show is so damn mediocre a lot of the time, but then he does something like this and I can't find it within myself to hate it.
Eliminate as in "unfriend on Facebook," or eliminate as in "get a throw rug"?
Big brands can lose a ton of market share to similarly large brands if they don't keep up on advertising. We'd all still be drinking Moxie if they didn't decide to skimp on their ad budget. Their biggest competitor at the time was, of course, Coca-Cola.
Wrong, it's meta-hell.
I don't know if hucking a bag of trash on a burning landfill qualifies as sabotage. He's undeniably an asshole, yeah, but suggesting he try to improve a latter-day Kevin Smith comedy is a bit naive.
What a shame that poster isn't a green square.
Rogue Shuffler, owner of the world's first cybernetic ass.
I'm still waiting for the reveal of Hannibal Buress. It's starting to feel like they're just stringing us along.
I can't really rebuke Willis for being a dick while shooting Cop Out.
Let me tell you a little about a genre called GFILF
Die Hard will never have to reboot. Before long, Bruce Willis is going to start slipping mentally and directors will just film him walking down the street.
Wait, so his performance in Fear and Loathing didn't seem like normal behavior to anyone else?