A Big Stupid Baby

A bird got caught in my hair in high school.

The hate for Google Glass has been really absurd. They look dorky as hell, sure, but it's a neat concept and it's not like they were ever going for the mass market with them. I'm excited to see what they do with the technology next.

As I mentioned in an earlier thread today, painkillers are ineffective for handling how awful Transformers 4 is. The knowledge that it might not sweep the awards frightens me.

Well, I suppose it also depends on location. Many areas have much better access to new films in theaters than others. I think the only film I saw last year in a theater that I really wanted to see was Guardians of the Galaxy.

This suggests that people are finding less value in the tickets overall, and I can hardly disagree. People have to bribe me with drugs to get to go to the movies with them. One particular occasion had a good friend giving me powerful painkillers to see Transformers 4. I am not exaggerating when I say they did not work

Nice disuse of the Oxford comma, which seems to make this more authentic.

There is no need to use "etc." twice. I sure hope O'Neal was fired for this abuse of the English language.

It really is one of the greats, and truly something that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Too bad it kind of fell to the wayside.

Miguel and Tulio!
Tulio and Miguel!
Mighty and powerful gods!

"You know who else had a plan?"

Come now, surely some can be linked to StrexCorp.

The Internet is a terrifying place.

What an ugly piece of shit that thing is.

Obviously, they sample the taco shit and the lyrics are the list of wood.

No, and they don't sell bourbon either.

This is why I only go outside to buy booze.

Was it not implied?

It's hard to say. Sometimes Tommy seems more than willing to cash in on the fact that everyone sees him as this deluded creep, other times he gets genuinely upset about it. Dude is nothing but contradictions.

He actually does think he's a brilliant artist, but he's not an idiot. He knows a lot of his fanbase view him as a bit of a sideshow. That probably doesn't help his hair trigger.

The thing is, he actually does seem to have a fair amount of self-awareness, but he has a hellish attitude problem and he's very sensitive. He also doesn't seem to give those non-verbal clues that you're intruding on his ego, so he can be giggling like a dork one minute and explode in anger the next.