A Big Stupid Baby

I'm going to give Tommy the benefit of the doubt, and assume it's just another one of his usual verbal fuck-ups.

As much as people rag on the Zune, it was a pretty nice product. That software, though, god that was awful.

As far as I know, it's never been that difficult for him.

It's pretty bad when Kevin Smith has more balls than the rest of Hollywood.

If Sean drinks himself to death as the result of this, can we hold Cosby responsible?

That actually sounds like a fun scene. Maybe a sith apprentice, not yet deserving of a lightsaber, has to take down a jedi and it turns into a martial arts fight with the two occasionally going for the weapon, then being disarmed.

I'm with you, Son of Neckbeard. Nothing is too dark for me, that's my motto. I even got it tattooed, though for different reasons.

Yeah, exactly. Oh well, worst case scenario, these actors get more exposure overseas. Jackie Chan's Hollywood films are trash compared to his Hong Kong ones, but it's obvious which pays more and I'm happy he's successful.

"Lethal swan dive" accurately describes my predictions for Assassin's Creed's quality.

At least it isn't brony.

Weird, couldn't find this guy on Wookiepedia. Are they a new character?

Man, that's like not ever having a drink, then taking a fifth of Wild Turkey to the face.

Thinking about it backwards, imagine how shitty The Raid would be with lightsabers. Clean, sterile fights in the prequels are probably less practiced than The Raid, but the latter has stakes because it's so much more visceral. By the end, these people are just worn the fuck down into a pile of broken bones stewing in

Ancient wisdom of how to fuck up someone's face with household objects, I imagine.

I can't tell you how many times I get approached by cute dragons only to find they're interested in my car. He's a terrible wingman.

The video Fox News prepared for the end of the world is on 24 hours a day.

More like Not Safe…

For Cesar Chávez. It was quite a disappointing profile of the man.

Coors: The best way to drink domestic by virtue of never actually tasting it.

Maybe I just haven't drank enough actual horsepiss to know.

Where's her jean jacket, though?