A Big Stupid Baby

I hope there will be beer commercials. I'm never sure what kind of chilled horsepiss to drink.

Well, I appear to still be here, so he's a failure on top of a horrible sack of shit.

And I here I thought this fad would die out after a season, this is truly shocking.

Those elephants would be national heroes.

Well, it certainly shares the irony angle.

Rush is one of the most deplorable human beings I can think of living today, and I hope he dies of an overdose.

Can we be done with A Christmas Story yet, TBS (and TNT apparently)? I get it, it's a charming little movie, but for fuck's sake even Adult Swim doesn't trot out a Room marathon every goddamn year for the entire damn day.

Man, I'm going to miss this show so much. I don't think I'll ever see anything quite like it again.

I hate anything you enjoy because I am but a being made of spite and whiskey.

Because Sony has been the target of several high-profile attacks in the past few years and continues to not give a fuck about their IT security.

Sorry I insulted Sony I guess? It's not like a ton of other people have good security either. Corporations wait forever to budget in upgraded IT security because it's a huge expense and it doesn't take long to be vulnerable to some attack. They forget, of course, that makes their older systems all the more vulnerable.

Tons of people, but the white hoods would make it difficult to tell who they are.

That's my bad, I'm always thinking about food and rectums.

America didn't get punked, it was Sony. They're not exactly well-known for having good computer security.

I think that's more in the CIA's wheelhouse.

Yes, thats the reason.

And the food.

President Obama tweets Kim-Jong Un's home address.

He's really raised the bar for how monstrous your favorite celebrity can be. Robert Downey Jr. could out himself as having killed and eaten a man once and it'd be like he told people he stubbed his toe.

I couldn't believe how many people poured out. It was beautiful. I can't think of a better send-off.