A Big Stupid Baby

Now Hitler, he had a story!

Stiff, maybe, but not paralyzed.

He's busy at the moment. Weird.

It's not that uncommon during reads to do a little light physical acting as well, so long as it's practical. It's not like they're tied down.

Pull up, Telltale! You're flying too low!

Maybe they could write in a few longer kissing scenes, too.

Using L.A. Noire's investigation system

I thought Fryvault was walking for Helping Children Through Research And Development.

American Dad is MacFarlane's best creation. This is not necessarily a positive.

Closing up your mental shop is a pretty good response too.

Quick, put up the portraits! They love those!

You know, instead of constantly caving to the North fucking Koreans of all people, these companies could consider spending more money on IT.

The bra does the rest.

Well, the chemo looks to be cutting down on the flab, too. So uh, silver linings, I guess.

Are these joke-telling tits or just funny-looking tits?

I also think part of it is that he's incognito so no one goes after him to get to Daredevil while he's getting chemo.

Might as well have fun with cancer.

One day "Daredevil is blind" jokes won't make me laugh.

So we've determined D < 5

You should get that checked out.