A Big Stupid Baby

Heard this in Patrice O'Neal's voice.

Is "clickbait" one of those words that mean "I don't like this but expression is hard," now, like "hipster" and "SJW"?

Sony continues to bear the price of freedom. *salutes Adam Sandler movie poster*

Don't worry, you'll pay more than that on concessions.

That and Charlie Goes America on Everybody's Ass

Ask not for whom the dik diks. It diks for thee.

Even people who seem to only want to give some basic, standard interview to Craig seem to thaw to him by the end of it. He's just so charming and silly.

I swear, Craig Ferguson is the only guy on late night where the first twenty-so minutes are actually a lead-in for the interviews, and not just the only worthwhile part of the show. He's a natural interviewer who seems genuinely interested in his guests. It could be quite a while before anyone like him becomes a host

Internet opinions are a flat circle.

Yeah, this is true. However, I'd still say a lot of the most common uses of magic don't work at all like they would in Wicca, even some of the parts that resemble it.

I can understand this decision, at the very least to maybe spare their employees and their companies further embarrassment if they went forward with the premiere. Still, it's bullshit. This threat had no real teeth.

They just get more and more desperate every year, don't they?

Yeah she pulls a lot out of her ass, but my point was less that there's a coherent explanation for what magic is and more that "point a wand and chant fake latin" is not Wicca.

edit: That probably more defensive than was necessary. But I mean, imagine a Wiccan kid learning that their candles and hexes were all B.S.

Then it would be a truly happy birthday for me.

They probably should have cancelled it at "Steve Carell thriller".

Yeah, I was actually pretty interested in this movie before the controversy kicked into high gear. Now I really want to see it, and the local theaters are pussing out.

Damn, I was going to go see this to be contrarian to the shitty terrorists and now my local theatre probably won't be showing it. I'll have to check out other theatres in the area, I guess.

Wiccans not being actual witches in Harry Potter is hilarious and it kind of makes sense. I just think maybe Twitter doesn't allow for an in-depth explanation of that viewpoint. The way she made magic in Harry Potter is nothing like magic in Wicca, really. I imagine a Wiccan at Hogwarts would have a very immediate

To be fair, this gets pretty damn close.