A Big Stupid Baby

I think it's the way Call of Duty seems to revel in the American perspective on warfare, where other games at least make an attempt to distance themselves from the rah-rah patriotism bullshit.

Yeah, that bugs me too. When he's not being Chris Rock, the Comedian, he comes off as a totally different person. I wish he had more of a happy medium between the two, because he seems a lot more soft-spoken and even-tempered otherwise.

Eh, I'm not really into romcoms, but it does sound like the premise comes from a place of honesty. Also, I really appreciate Chris Rock as an actor. When he gets a good script, he can give a very natural performance that's nothing like his stand-up routine. A lot of comics just can't do that.

Well, absolutely, yes. I appreciate the message behind Chris Rock's material, and I know that some people misinterpret some of it to mean "Oh well even this black guy things black people are bad." Still, it's hard to get around and even he regrets certain routines where he compares "black people" and "niggers".

Is it weird that Chris Rock doesn't click with me? I mean, I am a white guy, so it makes some sense, but plenty of white people love him to pieces and actually use him to justify their racism. Maybe it's that very association that prevents me from connecting with his material.

Thai food, sloth, and political intrigue is as romantic as it gets for me.

CopOfficer: Copicer

CopCop: They're Cops that Cop

If only Parks and Recreation had a dramatic homoerotic tension between two male leads that we were constantly told was all in our heads, it'd be raking in the dough for NBC.

Don't forget about CopCop and CopCop.

Oh no, not Drew Carey again. Anything but that, fuck.

Actually, it's been the same thing the entire time. I won't bother to speculate on why her experiences seem to you like an attack on you and your gender, but as another penis-haver I felt quite comfortable with her column.

The passive-aggressive hate (and sometimes aggressive hate) on this site for Cameron Esposito seems really weird. I mean, they just gave her a small editorial section for a while and people crawled out of the woodwork to shit on her and the site for having her. She's hardly the funniest comedian I've heard, but I

Ten bucks says the new Jar Jar is the droid on a ball.

It's good that this week's episode is such an improvement. I know a lot of people are really unimpressed with Constantine so far, but I like it quite a bit and I think it at least justifies its own existence, which is something I wouldn't say about a lot of shows on TV. I hope its ratings rally enough to get some more

Audiobook is worth it too, to hear Greg do his incredible Tommy Wiseau impression. I know everyone has one, but his is dead on.

Where the fuck are you now, PETA?

Well, I'm even more interested to hear what the documentary has to say, then.

There's also been plenty of changes to methodology that could preclude discoveries made after the scientific method from being "science", particularly in medicine. For instance, the idea that a subject can influence the results of a study through their own perception alone is pretty damn modern.

I hold Mormonism in higher regard than Scientology, but as far as I know the Church of Scientology doesn't invest money in making sure homosexuals have as bad a time as possible.