A Big Stupid Baby

And then, cover them once more.

I'm thrilled by our new butt-centric media cycle; usually, only PornHub is covering butts this strenuously.

Aw, fuck you.

Now if only we could drop that qualifier.

I thought this was kind of a letdown, given how well the episode was set up. The episode started pretty strong, running off of the momentum from the episode before, but at some point the whole thing stalled and we just kind of rolled past the finish line. Don't know what I expected from a Cyberman episode.

Way ahead of you with the penis-hoodie.

I suggest further explosions.

Awful is a strange way to say incredible.

I do think that the Ferguson stuff was pretty half-baked, but I get the feeling it was just a premise to get a bunch of drones flying off into the sunset following a flying sex doll with an afro glued to its crotch.

I jumped a bit when the kid tried to bite the doctor's finger. It was obvious as hell but the timing was great.

Nothing would make me want to leave a studio more than having Metallica there for a week.

Being a shill in Europe seems so much nicer than being a shill in the US.

So are focus groups the same five idiots every time?

But when is Marc Maron going to produce a stand-up album by cats?

Cats are above such primitive concepts as morality.

To be fair, it's easy to see how asshole cat behavior could be construed as malign intent.

"I tackled a loafer at work today," is one of my favorite lines from the episode. It's the moment where Homer's total lack of awareness reaches peak comedy.

There is not enough whiskey in the world for Sean O'Neal to recount all of the reboots that come across his desk every day.

If anyone comes back, it should be Dan Aykroyd as the villain (much as he is in real life, in all cases).

Now Spanish comedians can blame bad sets on the down economy.