A Big Stupid Baby

I don't think the shots at Spin were all that mean-spirited. They could have made it far, far worse. Instead, they seemed to use the concept as a springboard into that incredible Randy subplot, which fit in really well with the main plot. Not only was this episode pretty damn funny, but it was constructed far more

Stop laughing. Why are you always doing that? Are you all simple or something?

Lets out a long sigh and a big wet fart at the same time.

The A.V. Club - [sirens in the distance]

Why, why, why, was it not a cast member of Touched by an Angel?

Fuck the rest of the commenters, I guess. I loved this show and I'm super excited to see it come back.

Yeah it is like poetry, because I'm vomiting in stanzas.

I Need to Take a Nap

God willing, we'll get to see David Duchovny in drag again.

This episode was not at all deserving of an A. Its message was muddled, its storytelling was inconsistent, its worth was nonexistent. The only good part of this episode was the fight between the Doctor and Clara at the end, which was a long time coming (and was certainly great, no complaints there). I'd give it a B-

Leaving me won't bring back your GODDAMN HONE—oh wait, guess that was your idea.

I liked the car conversations a lot more than I did last week.

Not at all antithetical to the concept of price-free speech, though. Which is good, because Rob Schneider's words aren't worth a dollar.

I didn't mind them, and I didn't really like the car segments much more. I think they're perfectly functional and I do like seeing Key and Peele just toss some jokes back and forth, but I've never really needed much of a palette cleanser between sketches.

When are we getting the sexy mummy, damn it?

No it isn't.

So, let's have a shot.

You wanna fight about it?

That's Scottish.

You have no idea how many nipples I go through a week.