A Big Stupid Baby

I pair most things with whiskey.

Tommy Wiseau is truly a man out of time, which explains his incomprehensible accent.

I've never heard of such a site.

Shit, they stole my pilot for The Big Gang Bang!

I really want a movie where all the mooks are stereotypical Russian gangsters that can't stop slipping "bro" into every sentence.

Going through his bizarre collection of arrows was one of my favorite gags from his current comic series.

Please give Hawkeye his own movie based on the current Hawkeye book.

If we can only yell loudly and emphatically enough, it is definitely going to happen.

Uh, excuse me, he's a married, Christian douchebag with a family.

The next season is clearly going to be the darkest, strangest take on The Vagina Monologues.

ganews, you're a Bourne Loser.

Yeah Kanye, I can see no downside to you stopping your shows every night whenever the media criticizes something you do and going on an insane, rambling rant about it.

Oh wow, I wonder what they'll have done last summer this time!

They don't want to admit it just yet, in case they want to shove another Bush in our face.

To be fair, he was convicted under the well-known man law: don't stick your dick in crazy.

No way this is going to beat his last comedy hit, Hulk.

The irony is that when he makes a decision completely fucked up, suddenly it's someone else's fault.

And now, Robin Thicke's soulful hit, Here's How I Feel About Date Rape.

As someone who's been drunk and high a lot in his life, it's a really shitty legal defense.

Not yet! *furiously scribbles notes with a crayon*