A Big Stupid Baby

Shows what you know, jackass!

They look exactly how you'd expect them to look together, though.

It's actually a very elegant metaphor. You probably didn't pay to get it, you're pissed at whoever gave it to you, and despite how common it is it's still incredibly embarrassing when someone sees you have it.

Beethoven managed to live without faith, I guess.

Well, when two large corporate entities love each other very much, they shovel awful bullshit onto the masses that no one wants.

Don't give up, you just have to go deeper.

What a bunch of PC space liberal bullshit. Next you'll be telling me the Purge of the Gungans was unjustified.

Trying to find affordable dank is the central conflict, man, don't give away the resolution.

Obi in Tha Hood

God damn sand kids, trying to steal my landspeeder.

On the other hand, he got the high ground.

Two and a half hours of Obi-Wan sitting alone at home, going to the cantina to score cheap space weed off a Jawa, calling in to talk radio shows to complain about sand people (They're not even "people!").

I assumed it was to maintain the illusion that he's a functional adult, badly.

Uh, they don't like Mondays. Did you even read the article?

Since I'm a big, stupid baby, I first heard this when Hugh Laurie played the piano bits on House. I'm a huge nerd for that show, so I immediately went and found out what it was and the meaning behind the song.

I would argue Kanye veered into the latter. I mean, he's got this enormous crowd on their feet cheering, eager for more, and he stops everything because one guy isn't. The revelation that he was in a wheelchair just turns it from obnoxious crowd work to an amusing fuck-up (and I guess a lot of people are seriously

Oh come on now, I wouldn't say R Kelly got enough heat for that, but he certainly got a ton of it.

I had never thought of comparing the Beastie Boys to Kanye before, but it's striking how diametrically opposed the two acts are.

He really wants to know what all the fuss is about, there's no reason to shove so much.

On the other hand, I somehow don't think this is going to affect Kanye in any way.