A Big Stupid Baby

God, I fucking love the idea of a deaf guy at a Slayer concert.

Cameron Esposito?

This is all well and good, but when are we going to get a book of Dewey Crowe fanart?

I can't help but imagine a version of Curb Your Enthusiasm where everyone understands Larry David's faux pas and immediately forgives him.

I didn't see the part where O'Neal demanded we compare his weight to that of a duck.

That's fair, but it's still pretty damn amusing how Kanye continues to be a man seemingly incapable of tact or grace.

I genuinely don't understand how you can believe that's an earnest comparison, though.


Well, either I have an incredibly rare and specific memory disorder where I forget how and why I constructed a joke, or you have a rod up your ass. Either way, I think we need to involve a doctor now.

That was kind of the joke, man.

I don't think hating such an awful font has anything to do with the circlejerk that is Internet culture. I didn't need memes to learn Pol Pot was kind of an asshole either.

This episode here, it's the one where the season becomes legitimate.

The two biggest factors of making a good, awful movie are insane, confused people behind the scenes and actors who think this is all fucking stupid but desperately want to do a good job. Hannon's got the right attitude, I'm worried about the other side of the equation.

His car would fit through the stands.

I loved Capaldi so fucking much, and I'm excited to see him as The Doctor. That said, the ending was so on-the-nose that he had might as well have looked dead into the camera and said "I'm the fucking Doctor now, Matt Smith is fucking done, so fucking deal with it," and I would have respected the whole thing far more.

If it weren't for someone plagiarizing the Honeymooners, we wouldn't have the Flintstones. If someone hadn't ripped off Sgt. Bilko, they'd be no Top Cat. Huckleberry Hound, Chief Wiggum, Yogi Bear? Hah! Andy Griffith, Edward G. Robinson, Art Carney.

They cows then demanded Freebird, but it's hard to say if he didn't play it because they are cows or because it was Freebird.

Well, at least they have an arts and crafts project to show for it.

Despising James Franco went from a bit to reality so slowly, I didn't even notice.

It really does sound like she kind of remembers Romeo and Juliet and got some bits mixed up with The Scarlet Letter because they both had commentary on the idea of feminine virtue.