A Big Stupid Baby

Seriously, that shit is only a little less confounding than "Are we human or are we dancer?"

In the end, maybe knives are just too dangerous for anyone.

Actually, the article relates an ultimately positive experience, and the negative experience she had is with the controversy coming from the headline, not the article itself.

It's you, buddy. You're the idiot. The article isn't a carefully orchestrated and researched rebuttal to a paper from seven years ago, it's about an experience Esposito had as a woman in comedy.

The focus of the article isn't the other goddamned article. It's about something she did because people kept asking her about the headline and the controversy attached to it. She only mentions it at all to provide context.

No, it really isn't, because the experience she's talking about only has to do with that shitty headline and the controversy it sparked.

This article actually has nothing to do with the content of the other article, merely its headline.

He might have considered a better title, then.

I can't imagine where your comedy career went wrong.

Please turn in your knives.

Alternate title of March of the Penguins, Penguins: How the Fuck Do They Work?

The stuffed wombat was then sentenced to death for threatening the royal family. It was gutted, then re-stuffed and mounted on a shelf in the baby's 315th playroom.

We'll see how that works out when I break your glasses, dork.

You're on my not-fun list. :/

And thus the world has reached peak nerd. The Internet will die slowly, and we'll all start playing sports.

Excellent news! Hopefully I'll be able to get plenty of action.

It's Brian, again.

Have you ever considered that you're on the Illuminati's list?

The far right, as always, is well behind the times.

So… bottle service included?