A Big Stupid Baby

So if this is a fan video, what's the over/under on this turning into a Ricardo Lopez situation?

How rude! Did you learn nothing from this article?

I thought that was just a scene from Wicker Man.

Some of them are really good. Just look at Stephen Fry! I also don't mind George Takei sharing a hundred image macros a second.

Oh wow, had no idea her hair would be that awesome outside of the cartoon dimension I thought she lived in.

*sad version of Christmastime is Here*

I can't allow myself to go see The Fault in Our Stars with everyone in the theater, because I am going to sob like the huge fat baby I am.

Fuck you, Rick Berman.

Fortunately, this kind of nerd has changed into the redditor, which is much easier to ignore.

I very much desire a re-review of Snatch, because holy shit is this one short and wrong.

Yeah, this is something I didn't quite touch on. Colbert and Stewart often turn their shows into these meta news shows. It's a great source of easy, reliable jokes, so I can't blame them, but considering how little time they have to cover topics I kind of wish they didn't. Sure, it can be funny as hell, but it also

I meant stuff that Stewart and Colbert will definitely do. I don't think they got around to the Pope last week, and also they're definitely gonna talk about the Clippers.

I dunno if you've seen the show yet, but he not only veers away from the stuff Stewart and Colbert have covered, but actually got to scoop them on a few things.

Colbert really blew me away, but I could very well be lumping his first few weeks together. At any rate, it didn't take long for him to click with me.

Oliver's sense of humor seems different to me, but I agree it'd be nice if he distinguished himself further. That said, I think it's dismissive to call it merely "staying on a topic for longer". The segments are also far more substantive, and I think the way the format allows Oliver to examine a topic down to its very

I can see why you'd see that. It certainly looks that way on the surface. The actual content of the show is quite different, though. Stewart and Colbert rarely go as deep into a topic as a group than Oliver did twice in one episode (first with the Indian election, then with the Pom v. Coke case). Whereas the Comedy

I was really impressed by Last Week Tonight. I heard a lot of people already who didn't quite understand what makes it different from the Stewart/Colbert block, but the way Oliver separates the fluff from the truly incisive commentary is enough to bring the show into its own. It felt a bit clunky at parts, but hey, it

I'd be okay squirming for Alyson Hannigan.

The restraining order against him was still valid.

If cancer were pretentious, it would be Garden State.