A Big Stupid Baby

This is the most pro comment to ever grace the AV Club.

The guy who tried to haggle for more fucking killed it.

I don't know, seems like a risky venture to me.

I am just a simple commenter
No upvotes do I seek
I just wanted several replies
For my parody this week

I wouldn't be surprised if this was all an elaborate joke.

You could do it at a Cubs game by the eighth inning.

Hey, I got Michael Jackson!

And I thought the price tag was disturbing

That bit at the end basically says "I don't want others to judge me, I just want people to mindlessly take in the narrative I make for myself."

Actually it was a Socrates' Closet

You know this seems kind of…

Could be worse. Could be an NSA agent.

Was he doing that too? Because it sounds pretty sweet.

Some days, the world just hands you jokes on a silver platter.

This is probably my favorite anime this season thus far. B+ is a pretty fair score, but it shows so much promise. It may not have a destination, but I always want to see where it goes next.

What a terrible loss. He was so talented.

We would like to see dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing pop-icons, just not Justin Bieber.

This sounds like the sexiest high-concept porno.

Nobody cares that you don't care that I don't care about the Super Bowl.

Kevin Smith can make good movies. Hell, maybe he's got another one in him. More power to him; he can't put out anything more schlocky than the stuff that's already coming out.