hagbard celine

I thought it was intended to clearly establish the stakes. The play manages to imply what's at risk through the desperation of the characters. In the more removed medium of film, Mamet may have thought that a more explicit declaration of what's on the line might be necessary. Plus it's an amazing scene.

I also find inspiration in Superman.

Thank you! I've been trying to figure out which episode of Cheers had that cold open and it was driving me crazy!

We're just as smart as the people of Shelbyville! Tell us your idea and we'll vote for it!

(makes insectile laughing sound every 10 seconds)

I'll bear that in mind as well. Thanks.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm new to this Disqus thing and am beginning to understand why there is so much hate for it.

Third time trying to post this. I liked Cornells run, cause I love Luthor and stories from his p.o.v. Disqus is kinda crummy, huh?

Yeah, I love Luthor, so it was great to get a story from his P.O.V.

I certainly enjoyed the Luthor perspective. He's one of my favourites, so getting a whole arc from his P.O.V. was delightful.

Yeah, I liked that bit. I'm not normally a fan of Gaiman's Death showing up in the regular DCU, but that was fun. See also: Lobo's Back.

Oooh, with the grotesque Mandrake art. In retrospect, I'm surprised how gory that book was. Still, he's a spirit of vengeance, what can you do?

Now I gotta dig out my Nextwave issues. Thanks!

Ugh, those annual crossovers. by which I mean they crossed the annuals over, not that it was annual, although it was, if you follow me. But I'll stand up for Underworld Unleashed. It was a pretty fun read and the idea of revamping a lame villain or two was a good one.

Gaimans Eternals also had a bemused, contemptuous take on the whole thing, which was refreshing.

Well they pretty much named all of mine. I'll show myself out.

A single panel revealing a giant tinker toy construction, designed to pour a bucket of water on Calvins dad's head, and Calvin walking by thinking "Act casual."

"I'd like to see Batman fight more subtle, realistic villains."
"Yeah! Batman could fight crime by attending meetings, writing letters to the editor. Quick! To the Bat-Fax!"

I don't think most people take the trouble to think up rhyming insults.

"Did I really pupate at age two?"